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function [ihc_out, state] = lyon2011_ihcstep(filters_out, coeffs, state)
%LYON2011_IHCSTEP update of inner-hair-cell (IHC) model
% Usage: [CF, decim_naps, naps, BM, ohc, agc] = lyon2011(CF, input_waves, AGC_plot_fig_num, open_loop);
% Input parameters:
% detects : The CF struct holds the filterbank design and
% state; if you want to break the input up into
% segments, you need to use the updated CF
% to keep the state between segments.
% coeffs : input_waves is a column vector if there's just one
% audio channel; more generally, it has a row per
% time sample, a column per audio channel. The
% input_waves are assumed to be sampled at the
% same rate as the CARFAC is designed for.
% A resampling may be needed before calling this.
% state : Plot automatic gain control figure. Default is 0.
% Output parameters:
% state : The CF struct holds the filterbank design and
% state; if you want to break the input up into
% segments, you need to use the updated CF
% to keep the state between segments.
% update : decim_naps is like naps but time-decimated by
% the int CF.decimation.
% LYON2011_IHCSTEP updates the inner-hair-cell (IHC) model, including the
% detection nonlinearity and one or two capacitor state variables.
% See also: lyon2011_agcstep lyon2011_carstep
% lyon2011_closeagcloop lyon2011_design
% lyon2011_ihcstep lyon2011_init
% lyon2011_spatialsmooth
% demo_lyon2011
% References:
% R. F. Lyon. Cascades of two-pole–two-zero asymmetric resonators are
% good models of peripheral auditory function. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
% 130(6), 2011.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2022 Piotr Majdak, Clara Hollomey, and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 1.2.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% #Author: Amin Saremi (2016) adaptations for the AMT (based on <>, Richard F. Lyon)
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2021) adaptation for the AMT 1.0
% #License: gpl3
% AC couple the filters_out, with 20 Hz corner
ac_diff = filters_out - state.ac_coupler;
state.ac_coupler = state.ac_coupler + coeffs.ac_coeff * ac_diff;
if coeffs.just_hwr
ihc_out = min(2, max(0, ac_diff)); % limit it for stability
%conductance = lyon2011_detect(ac_diff);
% An IHC-like sigmoidal detection nonlinearity for the CARFAC.
% Resulting conductance is in about [0...1.3405]
a = 0.175; % offset of low-end tail into neg x territory
% this parameter is adjusted for the book, to make the 20% DC
% response threshold at 0.1
set = ac_diff > -a;
z = ac_diff(set) + a;
% zero is the final answer for many points:
conductance = zeros(size(ac_diff));
conductance(set) = z.^3 ./ (z.^3 + z.^2 + 0.1);
if coeffs.one_cap
ihc_out = conductance .* state.cap_voltage;
state.cap_voltage = state.cap_voltage - ihc_out .* coeffs.out_rate + ...
(1 - state.cap_voltage) .* coeffs.in_rate;
% change to 2-cap version more like Meddis's:
ihc_out = conductance .* state.cap2_voltage;
state.cap1_voltage = state.cap1_voltage - ...
(state.cap1_voltage - state.cap2_voltage) .* coeffs.out1_rate + ...
(1 - state.cap1_voltage) .* coeffs.in1_rate;
state.cap2_voltage = state.cap2_voltage - ihc_out .* coeffs.out2_rate + ...
(state.cap1_voltage - state.cap2_voltage) .* coeffs.in2_rate;
% smooth it twice with LPF:
ihc_out = ihc_out * coeffs.output_gain;
state.lpf1_state = state.lpf1_state + coeffs.lpf_coeff * ...
(ihc_out - state.lpf1_state);
state.lpf2_state = state.lpf2_state + coeffs.lpf_coeff * ...
(state.lpf1_state - state.lpf2_state);
ihc_out = state.lpf2_state - coeffs.rest_output;
state.ihc_accum = state.ihc_accum + ihc_out; % for where decimated output is useful