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VICENTE2020_INTERNALNOISE - calculates internal noise level


[IN_L,IN_R] = vicente2020_internalnoise(fc,f0,Aud_L,Aud_R,N,B,Nlim,eta,max_OHC)

Input parameters

fc center frequency of the model (vector)
f0 audiometric frequency vector
Aud left or right hearing thresholds @ f0
N Noise level (scalar or vector)
B Parameter of the internal noise defining the internal noise floor
Nlim Parameter of the internal noise defining at which the internal noise level starts to increase with the external noise level
eta defining the percentage of hearing threshold elevation due to OHC loss
max_OHC maximum allowed for OHC loss

Output parameters

InternalNoise Left/Right internal noise level @ model center frequency
 Left/Right external noise level dependent part of the internal noise level @ model center frequency
Gamma Transformation to convert dB HL into dB SPL @ model center frequency


vicente2020_internalnoise simulates the internal noise based on the input audiograms by calculating the IHC and OHC loss, taking into account the external noise level.