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PAUSCH2022 - ITD prediction in the horizontal plane for adult listeners with hearing aids


[itd, itd_max, itd_arg_max_phi, coef, fig] = pausch2022(featVec, varargin)

Input parameters


Vector containing magnitudes in mm of the features used for the specific model implementation, see [1; Tab. 2 and Sec. 3.4]

  • if 'type_stf'=='hrtf': [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]
  • if 'type_stf'=={'hartf_front','hartf_rear'}: [x1, x2, x3, d13, d14]
  • x1: head width in mm [double]
  • x2: head height in mm [double]
  • x3: head depth in mm [double]
  • x4: pinna offset down in mm (only required if type_stf=='hrtf') [double]
  • x5: pinna offset back in mm (only required if type_stf=='hrtf') [double]
  • d13: HA-microphone offset up in mm (only required if type_stf=={'hartf_front','hartf_rear'}) [double]
  • d14: HA-microphone offset back in mm (only required if type_stf=={'hartf_front','hartf_rear'}) [double]

Output parameters

itd predicted ITDs in s for type_stf as per type_mod [double]
itd_max interaural-time-difference maximum, max{ITD} [double]
itd_arg_max_phi argument of the interaural-time-difference maximum, arg max_phi{ITD} [double]
coef model coefficients as estimated after applying the polynomial regression weights to the subset of individual features [double]
fig figure handle [matlab.ui.Figure]


pausch2022() contains a novel hybrid model to predict the interaural time differences (ITDs) in the horizontal plane for adults with normal hearing, listening via head-related transfer functions (HRTFs), or adults fitted with behind-the-ear hearing aids (HA), listening via hearing-aid-related transfer functions (HARTFs). It also contains two previous analythical ITD models [2,3,4]. The ITD predictions in all models are based on invividual anthropometric features, or features describing the individual placement of the HAs, see [1] for further details.

The type_mod flag may be used to select the ITD model for the ITD predictions (only required if type_stf=='weights'):

'pausch' hybrid ITD model by Pausch et al. [1] (default)
'kuhn' analytic ITD model by Kuhn [2]
'woodworth' analytic ITD model by Woodworth [3]
'woodworth_ext' analytic ITD model by Woodworth [3] extended by Aaronson and Hartmann (far-field assumption) [4]

Note: To evaluate type_mod=='woodworth_ext', additional key/value pairs for the features x5 (only if type_stf=={'hartf_front','hartf_rear'}), d9, d10, and Theta3 have to be specified.

The type_stf flag may be used to choose between one of the following:

'hrtf' load individual HRTF datasets
'hartf_front' load invidual front HARTF datasets
'hartf_rear' load invidual rear HARTF datasets

The plot flags may be:

'no_plot' No plot (default).
'plot' plot predicted ITDs over azi_min:azi_res:azi_max (default: false) [logical]

Additional key/value pairs include:

'd9' HA-microphones-to-ear-canal offset in mm (default: []) [double]
'd10' HA-microphones-to-scalp offset in mm (default: []) [double]
'Theta3' frontal HA-microphones angle in deg (default: []) [double]
'azi_min' minimum evaluation angle of azimuth range in deg (default: 0) [double]
'azi_max' maximum evaluation angle of azimuth range in deg (default: 180) [double]
'azi_res' angular resolution of the evaluated azimuth range in deg (default: 2.5) [double]
'c' speed of sound in m/s (default: 343) [double]


F. Pausch, S. Doma, and J. Fels. Hybrid multi-harmonic model for the prediction of interaural time differences in individual behind-the-ear hearing-aid-related transfer functions. Acta Acust., 2022. Under review.