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[out,swap] = sig_dizon2004(Obj,leadpos,lagpos,dur)
Obj | SOFA object for HRTFs. |
leadpos | Direction of leading stimulus. Scalar interpreted as elevation. Two-element vector as [azimuth,elevation]. Default is +30 deg. |
lagpos | Direction of lagging stimulus. Scalar interpreted as elevation. Two-element vector as [azimuth,elevation]. Default is -30 deg. |
dur | duration of inidvidual noise bursts in ms. Default is 50 ms. |
out | binaural output signal mixture. |
swap | binaural output signal mixture with swaped positions. |
Train of 4 noise bursts of duration dur ms every 250 ms emitted by two sources on the midsagittal plane with fixed time lag of 2 ms.
R. M. Dizon and R. Y. Litovsky. Localization dominance in the median-sagittal plane: Effect of stimulus duration. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115(3142), 2004. [ http ]