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function [varargout] = reijniers2014_metrics(doa, varargin)
%REIJNIERS2014_METRICS - extract localization metrics
% Usage: [mean_error, bias] = reijniers2014_metrics(doa, parameters)
% Input parameters:
% doa: Struct in returned from the reijiniers2014's model with
% estimated and real directions of arrival
% REIJNIERS2014_METRICS(...) returns psychoacoustic performance
% parameters for experimental response patterns.
% doa is a struct where actual and estimated directions of arrival must
% be provided. If no input params are provided the returned metrics
% resemble the ones provided in the original paper, see Reijiners et al. (2014).
% This script is a wrapper for localizationerror.
% If parameter is provided, reijniers2014_metric is a wrapper for localizationerror
% with the parameter as the localization error.
% See also: demo_reijniers2014 reijniers2014 localizationerror
% References:
% R. Barumerli, P. Majdak, R. Baumgartner, J. Reijniers, M. Geronazzo,
% and F. Avanzini. Predicting directional sound-localization of human
% listeners in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. In Audio
% Engineering Society Convention 148. Audio Engineering Society, 2020.
% R. Barumerli, P. Majdak, R. Baumgartner, M. Geronazzo, and F. Avanzini.
% Evaluation of a human sound localization model based on bayesian
% inference. In Forum Acusticum, 2020.
% J. Reijniers, D. Vanderleist, C. Jin, C. S., and H. Peremans. An
% ideal-observer model of human sound localization. Biological
% Cybernetics, 108:169--181, 2014.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Perfect
% #StatusCode: Perfect
% #Verification: Verified
% #Requirements: MATLAB SOFA M-Stats M-Image
% #Author: Michael Sattler
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2020)
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2021)
% (adapted from code provided by Jonas Reijniers)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
if isempty(varargin)
num_src = size(doa.est, 1);
num_exp = size(doa.est, 2);
error = zeros(num_src, num_exp);
for e = 1 : num_exp
for s = 1 : num_src
% calculate great circle error
% (x*y)=|x|*|y|cos(theta)
x = doa.real(s,:);
y = squeeze(doa.est(s,e,:));
% NOTE: not accounting for distance!
% error(i,j) = acos(x*y'/(norm(x)*norm(y)));
error(s, e) = rad2deg(acos(x*y));
% calculate ensemble values
mean_error = sum(error,2)/num_exp;
% calculate summed estimated direction
bias = squeeze(sum(doa.est,2));
if size(bias,2) == 1
bias = bias';
for s=1:num_src
bias(s,:) = bias(s,:)/norm(bias(s,:)) - doa.real(s,:);
elseif strcmp(varargin{1}, 'middle_metrics')
% lateral_bias
exp.accL = reijniers2014_metrics(doa, 'accL');
% lateral_rms_error
exp.rmsL = reijniers2014_metrics(doa, 'rmsL');
% elevation_bias
exp.accE = reijniers2014_metrics(doa, 'accE');
% local_rms_polar
exp.rmsP = ...
reijniers2014_metrics(doa, 'rmsPmedianlocal');
% quadrant_err
exp.querr = ...
reijniers2014_metrics(doa, 'querrMiddlebrooks');
varargout{1} = exp;
%% compute the metric relying on localizationerror.m
doa_real = SOFAconvertCoordinates(doa.real, 'cartesian', 'spherical');
doa.est = squeeze(doa.est);
if size(doa.est, 3) ~= 1 % remove third dimension relative to repetition of experiments
num_exp = size(doa.est, 2);
doa_est = [];
for i = 1:size(doa.est, 2)
est = squeeze(doa.est(:,i,:));
doa_est = [doa_est; est];
if(size(doa.est, 1) == size(doa.real, 1))
num_exp = 1;
num_exp = size(doa.est, 1);
doa_est = doa.est;
doa_est = SOFAconvertCoordinates(doa_est, 'cartesian', 'spherical');
[lat_est,pol_est] = sph2horpolar(doa_est(:,1),doa_est(:,2));
m = zeros(size(doa_real, 1)*num_exp, 8);
m(:, 1:2) = repmat(doa_real(:, [1 2]), num_exp, 1);
m(:, 3:4) = doa_est(:, [1 2]);
m(:, 5:6) = repmat([lat_real,pol_real], num_exp, 1);
m(:, 7:8) = [lat_est,pol_est];
% workaround since sph2horpolar can return complex numbers due to
% numerical approximations
m = real(m);
if (strcmp(flags.errorflag, 'perMacpherson2003'))
[varargout{1}, meta, par] = localizationerror(m, kv.f, kv.r, flags.errorflag);
[varargout{1}, meta, par] = localizationerror(m, flags.errorflag);
if (strcmp(flags.errorflag, 'sirpMacpherson2000'))
if length(varargout) > 1
if length(varargout) > 2