Models included in the AMT version 0.9.7

The description of a model implementation is only a snapshot of the development since the implementations in the toolbox are continuously developed, evaluated, and improved. In order to provide an overview of the development stage, a rating system is used in the AMToolbox.

We rate the implementation of the model by considering its source code and documentation:

- (Submitted): The model has been submitted to the AMToolbox, there is, however, no working code/documentation in the AMToolbox, or there are compilation errors, or some libraries are missing. The current state of the integration can be provided upon request. In the release version, the model neither appears on the website nor is available for download.
O (OK): The code fits the AMToolbox conventions just enough for being available for download. The model and its documentation appear on the website, but major work is still required.
OO (Good): The code/documentation follows our conventions, but there are open issues.
OOO (Perfect): The code/documentation is fully up to our conventions, no open issues.

We also rate the models in terms of their verification, i.e., we rate the results of the implementation versus the results shown in the corresponding publication. The comparison is done within the experiments implemented in the exp_ functions. In the best case, the experiments produce the same results as in the publication - up to some minor layout issues in the graphical representations. Verifications are rated at the following levels:

- (Unknown): The AMToolbox can not run experiments for this model and can not produce results for a verification. This might be the case when the verification code has not been provided yet.
O (Untrusted): The verification code is available but the experiments do not reproduce the relevant parts of the publication (yet). The current implementation can not be trusted as a basis for further developments.
OO (Qualified): The experiments produce similar results as in the publication in terms of showing trends and explaining the effects, but not necessarily matching the numerical results. Explanation for the differences can be provided, for example, not all original data available, or publication affected by a known and documented bug.
OOO (Verified): The experiments produce the same results as in the publication. Minor differences are allowed if randomness is involved in the model, for instance, noise as input signal, probabilistic modeling approaches, and a plausible explanation is provided

The following table gives you an overview of the available models and their documentation, code, and verification status.

Name Function Doc Code Verification
Peripheral models
Continuous-azimuth HRTFsenzner2008OOOOOO
Directional time-of-arrival (on-axis)ziegelwanger2013OOOOOOOOO
Directional time-of-arrival in HRTFs (off-axis, robust)ziegelwanger2014OOOOOOOOO
Gammatone filterbankgammatoneOOOOOOOOO
Invertible Gammatone filterbankhohmann2002, gfb_OOOOOO
Dual-resonance nonlin. filterbanklopezpoveda1986, drnlOOOOOOOO
Cochlear transmission-line modelverhulst2012OOOOOOOOO
Auditory-nerve filterbank (cat version)zilany2007humanized-O-
Auditory-nerve filterbank (human version)zilany2014OOOO-
Inner hair cellihcenvelopeOOOOOO-
Adaptation loopsadaptloopOOOOOO-
Modulation filterbankmodfilterbankOOOOOO-
Auditory brainstem responsesroenne2012OOOOOOO
Signal detection models
Monaural masking (preprocessing stage only)dau1997preprocOOOOOO-
Binaural signal detection (preprocessing stage only)breebaart2001preprocOOOOOO-
Spatial models
Lateralization, cross-correlationlindemann1986OOOOOOOO
Concurrent-speakers lateral directiondietz2011OOOOOOOOO
Binaural scene analysisspille2013OOOOO
Lateralization in sound reproduction systemswierstorf2013OOOOOOOOO
Lateralization, supervised trainingmay2011OOOO-
Binaural activity maptakanen2013OOOOOOOOO
Median-plane localizationlangendijk2002OOOOOOOO
Sagittal-plane localization (simple)baumgartner2013OOOOOOOOO
Sagittal-plane localization (robust)baumgartner2014OOOOOOOOO
Distance perceptiongeorganti2013OOOOOOO
Speech perception models
Intelligibility in noisejoergensen2011, joergensen2013OOOOO
Short-time objective intelligibility taal2011OO-
Spatial unmaskingjelfs2011OOOOOOO
Human data
Speech intelligibility weightingssiiweightings?????????
Notched-noise data for the ERB scaledata_glasberg1990?????????
Bark scaledata_zwicker1961?????????

Previous versions of this page

Original (incomplete) table