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[twoears_benefit, weighted_bmld, weighted_better_ear] = leclere2015(target_in,int_in,fs)
target_in | target |
int_in | interferer |
fs | sampling frequency [Hz] |
twoears_benefit | useful-to-detrimental ratio |
weighted_bmld | weighted binaural masking level difference |
weighted_better_ear | |
weighted better ear advantage |
leclere2015 computed the binaural useful-to-detrimental ratio for a reverberated target and multiple stationary noise interferers. The early and late parts of the target BRIR are separated, the early part constitutes the useful signal while the late part is concatenated with the interferer BRIRs to constitute the detrimental signal.
M. Lavandier, T. Vicente, and L. Prud'homme. A series of snr-based speech intelligibility models in the auditory modeling toolbox. Acta Acustica, 2022.
M. Lavandier and J. Culling. Speech segregation in rooms: Monaural, binaural and interacting effects of reverberation on target and interferer. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123(4):2237--2248, 2008. [ http ]
T. Leclère, M. Lavandier, and J. Culling. Speech intelligibility prediction in reverberation: Towards an integrated model of speech transmission, spatial unmasking and binaural de-reverberation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 137(6):3335--3345, 2015. [ http ]