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AMT - Model demonstrations

Demonstration of model stages and peripheral models

Demonstration of spatial models

  • demo_lindemann1986 - Lindemann binaural model.
  • demo_breebaart2001 - Binaural masking level differences from Breebaart et al. (2001)
  • demo_baumgartner2013 - Simple version of a sagittal-plane sound localization (Baumgartner et al., 2013)
  • demo_baumgartner2014 - Comprehensive version of the sagittal-plane sound localization (Baumgartner et al., 2014)
  • demo_baumgartner2016 - Non-linear version of the sagittal-plane sound localization (Baumgartner et al., 2016)
  • demo_baumgartner2020 - Sound externalization model based on loser-takes-all decision (Baumgartner et al., 2020)
  • demo_takanen2013 - Binaural activity map (Takanen et al., 2013)
  • demo_may2011 - Azimuth estimation of concurrent speakers (May et al., 2011)
  • demo_reijniers2014 - Spherical sound localization model based on Bayesian statistics (Reijniers et al. 2014)

Speech models

  • demo_joergensen2013 - SNRenv for speech intelligibility from Joergensen et al. (2013)
  • demo_jelfs2011 - Binaural speech intelligibility advantage from Jelfs et al. (2011)