function difSTD=georganti2013(signal,P)
%GEORGANTI2013 Binaural spectral-magnitude difference standard deviation according to Georganti et al., (2013)
% Usage: difSTD = georganti2013(signal, P)
% Input parameters:
% signal : binaural input signal
% P.fs: sampling rate in Hz
% P.timeFr: Frame size in seconds
% P.fmin: lower frequency (Hz) for the BSDM STD calculation
% P.fmax: upper frequency (Hz) for the BSDM STD calculation
% Output parameters:
% difSTD: Binaural spectral-magnitude difference standard deviation (dB)
% See also: exp_georganti2013
% References:
% E. Georganti, T. May, S. van de Par, and J. Mourjopoulos. Extracting
% sound-source-distance information from binaural signals. In
% J. Blauert, editor, The Technology of Binaural Listening, Modern
% Acoustics and Signal Processing, pages 171-199. Springer Berlin
% Heidelberg, 2013. [1]http ]
% E. Georganti, T. May, S. van de Par, and J. Mourjopoulos. Sound source
% distance estimation in rooms based on statistical properties of
% binaural signals. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, IEEE
% Transactions on, 21(8):1727-1741, Aug 2013.
% References
% 1.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Peter L. Søndergaard and Piotr Majdak.
% This file is part of AMToolbox version 0.9.7
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% Developed with Matlab (R2010b) v.0.1
% Updated with Matlab R2011b ( v.1.0
% Please send bug reports to:
% Eleftheria Georganti
% Postdoctoral Researcher
% Experimental Audiology, ENT
% University Hospital of Zurich/University of Zurich
% Zurich, Switzerland
if ~exist('P','var'), P=[]; end
if ~isfield(P,'fmin'), P.fmin=20; end % lower frequency in Hz - default value
if ~isfield(P,'fmax'), P.fmax=23000; end % upper frequency in Hz - default value
if ~isfield(P,'fs'), P.fs=44100; end
if ~isfield(P,'timeFr'), P.timeFr=1; end
P.sampleFr = P.fs * P.timeFr; % Frame size in samples
if ~isfield(P,'hop'), P.hop = P.sampleFr/2; end % Overlap
P.nFFT = P.sampleFr; % FFT points
P.freq = (P.fs/P.nFFT)*(0:(P.nFFT/2-1)); % Frequency index
fmin_id = min(find((P.freq>P.fmin)));
fmax_id = min(find((P.freq>P.fmax)));
idx = 1;
for kk = 1:P.hop:length(signal)-P.hop
% Calculate magnitude spectrums in dB of the left & right signals
leftFFT = 20*log10(abs(fft(signal(kk:kk+P.hop-1,1))));
rightFFT = 20*log10(abs(fft(signal(kk:kk+P.hop-1,2))));
% Subtract the magnitude spectrums
specDIF = leftFFT(1:end/2)-rightFFT(1:end/2);
% Calculate the differential standard deviation for the
% frequency range of interest
difSTD(1,idx) = std(specDIF(fmin_id:fmax_id));
idx = idx+1;