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function [crosscorr,t,ild,cfreq] = lindemann1986(insig,fs,varargin)
%LINDEMANN1986 Calculates a binaural activation pattern
% Usage: [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986(insig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1)
% [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986(insig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int)
% [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986(insig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f)
% [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986(insig,fs,c_s,w_f)
% [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986(insig,fs,c_s)
% [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986(insig,fs)
% Input parameters:
% insig : binaural signal for which the cross-correlation
% should be calculated
% fs : sampling rate (Hz)
% Output parameters:
% crosscorr : A matrix containing the cross-correlation signal
% for every frequency channel fc and every time step n.
% The format of this matrix is output(n,m,fc), where m*
% denotes the correlation (delay line) time step.
% t : time axis for the time steps n in crosscorr
% ild : interaural level difference (ILD) for every freqeuncy
% channel fc*
% cfreq : center frequencies of every frequency channel
% LINDEMANN1986(insig,fs) calculates a binaural activity map for the given
% insig using a cross-correlation (delay-line) mechanism. The calculation
% is done for every frequency band in the range 5-40 Erb.
% Lindemann has extended the delay line model of Jeffres (1948) by a
% contralateral inhibition, which introduce the ILD to the model. Also
% monaural detectors were extended, to handle monaural signals (and some
% stimuli with a split off of the lateralization image). Hess has
% extented the output from the Lindemann model to a binaural activity map
% dependend on time, by using a running cross-correlation function.
% This has been done here by starting a new running cross-correlation
% every time step T_int. A detailed description of these cross-
% correlation steps is given in the LINDEMANN1986BINCORR function.
% The steps of the binaural model to calculate the result are the
% following:
% 1) The given stimulus is filtered using an erb bank to
% get 36 frequency bands containing a stimulus waveform.
% 2) In a second step the auditory nerve is siumulated by extracting the
% envelope using a first order low pass filter with a cutoff frequency
% of 800 Hz and half-wave rectification.
% 3) Calculation of the cross-correlation between the left and right
% channel. This is done using the model described in Lindemann
% (1986a) and Hess (2007). These are extensions to the delay line model
% of Jeffres (1948).
% You may supply any flags or key/value pairs of the AUDITORYFILTERBANK,
% IHCENVELOPE or LINDEMANN1986BINCORR at the end of the line of input
% arguments.
% Examples:
% ---------
% This example shows how to the binaural activity map for one frequency
% channel of the Lindemann binaural model for a sinusoid with a binaural
% modulation rate of 2 Hz. :
% fs = 44100; % Sampling rate
% f = 500; % Frequency of the sinusoid
% mf = 2; % Binaural modulation frequency
% % Generate 1~s binaural modulated sinusoid
% sig = bmsin(f,mf,fs);
% % Model paramter (Note: T_int (ms) should be a multiple of 1000/f == 2)
% % Begin of the storage of the cross-correlation is set to 1, because we have a
% % non-stationary signal
% % Calculate binaural cross-correlation
% [cc,t] = lindemann1986(sig,fs,'T_int',6);
% % Plot frequency channel 11, due to round(freqtoerb(500))==11
% plot_lindemann1986(cc,t,'fc',f);
% See also: lindemann1986bincorr, plot_lindemann1986, gammatone, ufilterbankz
% Demos: demo_lindemann1986
% References:
% W. Gaik. Combined evaluation of interaural time and intensity
% differences: Psychoacoustic results and computer modeling. J. Acoust.
% Soc. Am., 94:98-110, 1993.
% W. Hess. Time-Variant Binaural-Activity Characteristics as Indicator of
% Auditory Spatial Attributes. PhD thesis, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum,
% 2007.
% L. Jeffress. A place theory of sound localization. Journal of
% comparative and physiological psychology, 41(1):35-39, 1948.
% W. Lindemann. Extension of a binaural cross-correlation model by
% contralateral inhibition. I. Simulation of lateralization for
% stationary signals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 80:1608-1622, 1986.
% W. Lindemann. Extension of a binaural cross-correlation model by
% contralateral inhibition. II. The law of the first wave front. J.
% Acoust. Soc. Am., 80:1623-1630, 1986.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Peter L. Søndergaard and Piotr Majdak.
% This file is part of AMToolbox version 0.9.7
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% A first implementation of the Lindemann model in Matlab was done from
% Wolfgang Hess and inspired this work.
% AUTHOR: Hagen Wierstorf
%% ------ Checking of input parameters ---------------------------------
if nargin<2
error('%s: Too few input parameters.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(insig) || min(size(insig))~=2
error('%s: insig has to be a numeric two channel signal!',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(fs) || ~isscalar(fs) || fs<=0
error('%s: fs has to be a positive scalar!',upper(mfilename));
% Parse the command line and load default parameters
% For default values see lindemann1986a page 1613
% NOTE: I modified the default value for T_int from 10 to 5.
% Highest and lowest frequency to use for the erbfilterbank (this gives us
% 36 frequency channels, channel 5-40)
definput.importdefaults = ...
[flags,keyvals,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1] = ...
%% ------ Computation ---------------------------------------------------
% ------ Erb Bank -------------------------------------------------------
% Apply the auditory filterbank
% NOTE: Lindemann uses a bandpass filterbank after Duifhuis (1972) and
% Blauert and Cobben (1978).
[inoutsig,cfreq] = auditoryfilterbank(insig,fs,'argimport',flags,keyvals);
% ------ ILD ------------------------------------------------------------
% Calculate the interaural level difference (ILD) for every frequency channel
% NOTE: this was not part of the original Lindemann model
ild = dbspl(inoutsig(:,:,2))-dbspl(inoutsig(:,:,1));
% ------ Cross-correlation computation ---------------------------------
% Extract the envelope, apply a half-wave rectification and calculate a
% running cross-correlation for every given frequency band
% ------ Haircell simulation -------
% Half-wave rectification and envelope extraction
inoutsig = ihcenvelope(inoutsig,fs,'argimport',flags,keyvals);
% ------ Cross-correlation ------
% Calculate the cross-correlation after Lindemann (1986a).
[crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986bincorr(inoutsig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1);