This documentation page applies to an outdated major AMT version. We show it for archival purposes only.
Click here for the documentation menu and here to download the latest AMT (1.6.0).
% DEMO_GAMMATONE Demo for gammatone.m
% DEMO_GAMMATONE demonstrates the usage of various Gammatone filter
% implementations in the AMT.
% Figure 1: Gammatone IRs obtained with the `gammatone` implementation with the option classic (Patterson et al., 1987).
% This figure shows IRs of Gammatone filters in 24 erb-spaced channels
% derived from gammatone with parameters classic and real (Patterson et al., 1987).
% Left panel shows the causalphase option. Right panel shows the
% peakphase option, which aligns the IRs to the maxima of the corresponding
% envelope maxima.
% Figure 2: Gammatone IRs obtained with the `gammatone` implementation with the option complex (Hohmann, 2002).
% This figure shows IRs of Gammatone filters in 24 erb-spaced channels
% derived from gammatone with parameters allpole and complex (Hohmann,
% 2002). Left panel shows the causalphase option. Right panel shows the
% peakphase option, which aligns the IRs to the maxima of the corresponding
% envelope maxima.
% Figure 3: Gammatone IRs obtained with the `gfb` implementation corresponding to complex-valued allpole filters (Hohmann, 2002).
% This figure shows IRs of Gammatone filters in 24 erb-spaced channels
% derived from gfb_analyzer_new and other gfb function. This
% implementation corresponds to complex-valued allpole Gammatone filters
% (Hohmann, 2002). Left panel shows the IRs as output by
% gfb_analyzer_new, the right panel shows those IRs manually delayed
% such that their maxima are aligned across frequency channels.
% See also: exp_gammatone gammatone exp_hohmann2002 demo_hohmann2002
% gfb_analyzer_new gfb_analyzer_process
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Peter L. Søndergaard and Piotr Majdak.
% This file is part of AMToolbox version 0.9.7
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: Christian Klemenschitz, 2014
%% Figure gammatone, classic, Real
% Parameters;
flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
fc = erbspacebw(flow,fhigh); % 24 erb-spaced channels;
nchannels = length(fc); % Number of channels;
N = 8192; % Number of samples;
insig = [1, zeros(1,8191)]; % Impulse signal;
treal = (1:N)/fs*1000; % Time axis;
%---- classic real ----
% Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses;
[b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','causalphase','real');
outsig1 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
outsig1 = permute(outsig1,[3 2 1]);
% Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option 'peakphase';
[b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','peakphase','real');
outsig2 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
outsig2 = permute(outsig2,[3 2 1]);
% Figure 1;
type1 = 'classic / causalphase / real'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
type2 = 'classic / peakphase / real'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% Plot
% Figure 1 - classic real;
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.525 1 0.475]);
set(gcf,'Name','gammatone, classic, real');
hold on
dy = 1;
for ii = 1:nchannels
plot(treal,40*real(outsig1(ii,:)) + dy)
dy = dy + 1;
clear dy;
title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type1)])
xlabel 'Time (ms)'
ylabel ([ num2str(nchannels),' channels / ', num2str(flow), ' - ',num2str(fhigh),' Hz'])
ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
xt = 0:5:25;
yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
box on
hold off
hold on
dy = 1;
for ii = 1:nchannels
plot(treal,40*real(outsig2(ii,:)) + dy)
dy = dy + 1;
clear dy;
title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type2)])
xlabel 'Time (ms)'
ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
xt = 0:5:25;
yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
box on
hold off
%% Figure gammatone, classic, complex: This parameter configuration does not work and should be avoided
% .. figure::
% Classic gammatone implementation with complex-valued filter coefficients derived from gammatone.m.
% This figure shows in the first plot an array of 24 erb-spaced channels of
% classic gammatone implementation (Patterson et al., 1987) derived from
% gammatone.m with complex-valued filter coefficients and in the second
% plot this implementation with option 'peakphase', which makes the phase
% of each filter be zero when the envelope of the impulse response of the
% filter peaks (both do not scale correctly).
% % Parameters;
% flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
% fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
% fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
% fc = erbspacebw(flow,fhigh); % 24 erb-spaced channels;
% nchannels = length(fc); % Number of channels;
% N = 8192; % Number of samples;
% insig = [1, zeros(1,8191)]; % Impulse signal;
% treal = (1:N)/fs*1000; % Time axis;
% %---- classic complex ----
% amtdisp('Classic, complex-valued, causal-phased gammtone implementation:')
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses;
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','causalphase','complex');
% outsig1 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig1 = permute(outsig1,[3 2 1]);
% amtdisp('Classic, complex-valued, peak-phased gammtone implementation:')
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option 'peakphase';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','peakphase','complex');
% outsig2 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig2 = permute(outsig2,[3 2 1]);
% % Figure 2;
% type1 = 'classic / causalphased / complex'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% type2 = 'classic / peakphased / complex'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% % Plot
% % Figure 2 - classic complex;
% figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.05 1 0.475])
% set(gcf,'Name','gammatone, classic, complex');
% subplot(1,2,1)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,40*real(outsig1(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type1)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel ([ num2str(nchannels),' channels / ', num2str(flow), ' - ',num2str(fhigh),' Hz'])
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
% subplot(1,2,2)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,40*real(outsig2(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type2)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
%% Figure gammatone, allpole, complex
% Parameters;
flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
fc = erbspacebw(flow,fhigh); % 24 erb-spaced channels;
nchannels = length(fc); % Number of channels;
N = 8192; % Number of samples;
insig = [1, zeros(1,8191)]; % Impulse signal;
treal = (1:N)/fs*1000; % Time axis;
%---- allpole complex ----
% Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses;
[b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'allpole','causalphase','complex');
outsig1 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
outsig1 = permute(outsig1,[3 2 1]);
% Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option 'peakphase';
[b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'allpole','peakphase','complex');
outsig2 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
outsig2 = permute(outsig2,[3 2 1]);
% Figure 3;
type1 = 'allpole / causalphase / complex'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
type2 = 'allpole / peakphase / complex'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% Plot
% Figure 3 - allpole complex;
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.05 1 0.475]);
set(gcf,'Name','gammatone, allpole, complex');
hold on
dy = 1;
for ii = 1:nchannels
plot(treal,40*real(outsig1(ii,:)) + dy)
dy = dy + 1;
clear dy;
title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type1)])
xlabel 'Time (ms)'
ylabel ([ num2str(nchannels),' channels / ', num2str(flow), ' - ',num2str(fhigh),' Hz'])
ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
xt = 0:5:25;
yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
box on
hold off
hold on
dy = 1;
for ii = 1:nchannels
plot(treal,40*real(outsig2(ii,:)) + dy)
dy = dy + 1;
clear dy;
title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type2)])
xlabel 'Time (ms)'
ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
xt = 0:5:25;
yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
box on
hold off
%% Figure gfb implementation
% Hohmann implementation;
% Parameters;
fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
basef = 888.44; % Base center frequency in Hz;
fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
filters_per_ERBaud = 1; % Filterband density on ERB scale;
gamma_order= 4; % Filter order;
bandwidth_factor = 1; % Bandwidth factor;
% Construct new analyzer object;
analyzer = gfb_analyzer_new(fs,flow, basef, fhigh,filters_per_ERBaud,gamma_order,bandwidth_factor);
% Impulse signal;
impulse = [1, zeros(1,8191)];
% Filter signal;
[impulse_response, analyzer] = gfb_analyzer_process(analyzer, impulse);
% Find peak at envelope maximum for lowest channel and add one sample;
delay_samples = find(abs(impulse_response(1,:)) == max(abs(impulse_response(1,:)))) + 1;
delay = gfb_delay_new(analyzer, delay_samples);
[outsig, delay] = gfb_delay_process(delay, impulse_response);
% Figure 4;
type1 = 'plotted as they are'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
type2 = 'manually delayed to align their max'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% Plot
% Figure 4 - gfb implementation, corresponds to allpole complex;
figure ('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.05 1 0.475])
set(gcf,'Name','gfb implementation');
hold on
dy = 1;
for ii = 1:nchannels
plot(treal,40*real(impulse_response(ii,:)) + dy)
dy = dy + 1;
clear dy;
title (['Impulse responses (IRs) from the gfb implementation: ', num2str(type1)])
xlabel 'Time (ms)'
ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
xt = 0:5:25;
yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
box on
hold off
hold on
dy = 1;
for ii = 1:nchannels
plot(treal,40*real(outsig(ii,:)) + dy)
dy = dy + 1;
clear dy;
title (['IRs from the gfb implementation: ', num2str(type2)])
xlabel 'Time (ms)'
ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
xt = 0:5:25;
yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
axis([0, 25, 0, 26]);
set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
box on
hold off
%% Figure, gammatone classic, real, but with 6dbperoctave
% .. figure::
% Classic gammatone implementation with real-valued filter coefficients derived from gammatone.m with otpion '6dBperoctave'.
% Figure 5 shows in the first plot an array of 24 erb-spaced channels of
% classic gammatone implementation (Patterson et al., 1987) with real-valued
% filter coefficients and option '6dBperoctave', which scales the amplitude
% +/- 6 dB per octave with 0 dB at 4000 Hz and in the second plot this
% implementation with option 'exppeakphase', which makes the phase of each
% filter be zero when the envelope of the impulse response of the filter peaks.
% % Parameters;
% flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
% fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
% fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
% fc = erbspacebw(flow,fhigh); % 24 erb-spaced channels;
% nchannels = length(fc); % Number of channels;
% N = 8192; % Number of samples;
% insig = [1, zeros(1,8191)]; % Impulse signal;
% treal = (1:N)/fs*1000; % Time axis;
% %---- classic real 6dBperoctave ----
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option '6dBperoctave';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','real','6dBperoctave');
% outsig1 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig1 = permute(outsig1,[3 2 1]);
% %---- classic real peakphase(new) 6dBperoctave ----
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option '6dBperoctave';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','real','exppeakphase','6dBperoctave');
% outsig2 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig2 = permute(outsig2,[3 2 1]);
% % Figure 5;
% type1 = 'classic / casualphased / real / +/-6dB'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% type2 = 'classic / peakphased(new) / real / +/-6dB'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% % Plot
% % Figure 5 - classic / causalphased / real / +/-6dB;
% figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.525 1 0.475])
% subplot(1,2,1)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,8*real(outsig1(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type1)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel ([ num2str(nchannels),' channels / ', num2str(flow), ' - ',num2str(fhigh),' Hz'])
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, -4, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
% subplot(1,2,2)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,8*real(outsig2(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type2)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, -4, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
%% Figure gammatone allpole, complex, but with 6dbperoctave
% .. figure::
% Allpole gammatone implementation with real-valued filter coefficients derived from gammatone.m with otpion '6dBperoctave'.
% Figure 6 shows in the first plot an array of 24 erb-spaced channels of
% allpole gammatone implementation (Hohmann, 2002) with complex-valued
% filter coefficients and option '6dBperoctave', which scales the amplitude
% +/- 6 dB per octave with 0 dB at 4000 Hz and in the second plot this
% implementation with option 'exppeakphase', which makes the phase of each
% filter be zero when the envelope of the impulse response of the filter peaks.
% % Parameters;
% flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
% fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
% fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
% fc = erbspacebw(flow,fhigh); % 24 erb-spaced channels;
% nchannels = length(fc); % Number of channels;
% N = 8192; % Number of samples;
% insig = [1, zeros(1,8191)]; % Impulse signal;
% treal = (1:N)/fs*1000; % Time axis;
% %---- allpole complex 6dBperoctave ----
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option '6dBperoctave';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'allpole','complex','6dBperoctave');
% outsig1 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig1 = permute(outsig1,[3 2 1]);
% %---- allpole peakphase(new) complex 6dBperoctave ----
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option '6dBperoctave';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'allpole','complex','exppeakphase','6dBperoctave');
% outsig2 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig2 = permute(outsig2,[3 2 1]);
% % Figure 6;
% type1 = 'allpole / causalphased / complex / +/-6dB'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% type2 = 'allpole / peakphased(new) / complex / +/-6dB'; % Type of implemantion for headline;
% % Plot
% % Figure 6 - classic / causalphased / real / +/-6dB;
% figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.05 1 0.475])
% subplot(1,2,1)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,8*real(outsig1(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type1)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel ([ num2str(nchannels),' channels / ', num2str(flow), ' - ',num2str(fhigh),' Hz'])
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, -2, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
% subplot(1,2,2)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,8*real(outsig2(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type2)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, -2, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
%% Figure demo of manual delay
% .. figure::
% Classic with real-valued and allpole with complex-valued filter coefficients of gammatone implementation with otpion '6dBperoctave', peakphased and delayed.
% Figure 7 shows in the first plot an array of 24 erb-spaced channels of
% classic gammatone implementation (Patterson et al., 1987) with real-valued
% filter coefficients and option '6dBperoctave', which scales the amplitude
% +/- 6 dB per octave with 0 dB at 4000 Hz and option 'exppeakphase', which
% makes the phase of each filter be zero when the envelope of the impulse
% response of the filter peaks. Further the filters are delayed so the peaks
% of each filter are arranged above each other. The second plot shows the
% same but with allpole implementation (Hohmann, 2002) with complex-valued
% filter coefficients derived from gammatone.m.
% % Parameters;
% flow = 100; % Lowest center frequency in Hz;
% fhigh = 4000; % Highest center frequency in Hz;
% fs = 28000; % Sampling rate in Hz;
% fc = erbspacebw(flow,fhigh); % 24 erb-spaced channels;
% nchannels = length(fc); % Number of channels;
% N = 8192; % Number of samples;
% insig = [1, zeros(1,8191)]; % Impulse signal;
% treal = (1:N)/fs*1000; % Time axis;
% %---- classic real 6dBperoctave peakphased and delayed ----
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option '6dBperoctave';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'classic','real','exppeakphase','6dBperoctave');
% outsig1 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig1 = permute(outsig1,[3 2 1]);
% % Find peak at maximum
% envmax1 = zeros(1,nchannels);
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% % maximum per channel
% envmax1(ii) = find(abs(outsig1(ii,:)) == max(abs(outsig1(ii,:))));
% end;
% % Delay signal
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% % Time to delay
% delay = zeros(1,max(envmax1)+1 - envmax1(ii));
% % Add delay
% outsig1(ii,:) = [delay outsig1(ii,1:N - length(delay))];
% end;
% % Type of implemantion for headline;
% type1 = 'classic / exppeakphased / real / 6dbperoctave / manually delayed';
% % Plot
% figure ('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0.05 1 0.475])
% subplot(1,2,1)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,8*real(outsig1(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type1)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, -4, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off
% %---- allpole complex 6dBperoctave peakphased and delayed ----
% % Derive filter coefficients and filter impulse responses with option '6dBperoctave';
% [b,a] = gammatone(fc,fs,'allpole','complex','exppeakphase','6dBperoctave');
% outsig2 = 2*real(ufilterbankz(b,a,insig));
% outsig2 = permute(outsig2,[3 2 1]);
% % Find peak at envelope maximum
% envmax2 = zeros(1,nchannels);
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% % Envelope maximum per channel
% envmax2(ii) = find(abs(outsig2(ii,:)) == max(abs(outsig2(ii,:))));
% end;
% % Delay signal
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% % Time to delay
% delay = zeros(1,max(envmax2)+1 - envmax2(ii));
% % Add delay
% outsig2(ii,:) = [delay outsig2(ii,1:N - length(delay))];
% end;
% % Type of implemantion for headline;
% type2 = 'allpole / peakphased(new) / complex / +/-6dB / delayed';
% % Plot;
% subplot(1,2,2)
% hold on
% dy = 1;
% for ii = 1:nchannels
% plot(treal,8*real(outsig2(ii,:)) + dy)
% dy = dy + 1;
% end;
% clear dy;
% title (['Gammatone impulse responses of type: ', num2str(type2)])
% xlabel 'Time (ms)'
% ylabel('# Frequency Channel (ERB): Frequency (Hz)');
% xt = 0:5:25;
% yt = [1 4 8 12 16 20 24];
% axis([0, 25, -4, 26]);
% set(gca,'XTick',xt, 'YTick', yt)
% set(gca,'YTickLabel', {['#01: ' num2str(round(fc(1))) ' Hz'] , ['#04: ' num2str(round(fc(4))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#08: ' num2str(round(fc(8))) ' Hz'], ['#12: ' num2str(round(fc(12))),' Hz'], ...
% ['#16: ' num2str(round(fc(16))),' Hz'], ['#20: ' num2str(round(fc(20))) ' Hz'], ...
% ['#24: ' num2str(round(fc(24))) ' Hz']})
% box on
% hold off