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baumgartner2013pmv2ppp - PMV to PPP conversion


[ qe,pe,eb ] = baumgartner2013pmv2ppp( p,tang,rang );
[ qe,pe,eb ] = baumgartner2013pmv2ppp( p,tang,rang,exptang );

Input parameters

p prediction matrix (response PMVs)
tang possible polar target angles. As default, ARI's MSP polar angles in the median SP is used.
rang polar angles of possible response angles. As default regular 5 deg.-sampling is used (-30:5:210).

Output parameters

qe quadrant error rate
pe local polar RMS error in degrees
eb elevation bias in degrees; QEs and up-rear quadrant excluded


baumgartner2013pmv2ppp(...) retrieves commonly used PPPs (Psychoacoustic performance parameters) for sagittal-plane (SP) localization like quadrant error (QEs), local polar RMS error (PE), and elevation bias (EB) from response PMVs (probability mass vectors) predicted by a localization model. PPPs are retreived either for a specific polar target angle or as an average across all available target angles. The latter is the default.

baumgartner2013pmv2ppp needs the following optional parameter in order to retrieve the PPPs for a specific (set of) target angles:

'exptang= exptang experimental polar target angles'

baumgartner2013pmv2ppp accepts the following flag:

'print' Display the outcomes.


To evaluate chance performance of QE and PE use

[qe,pe] = baumgartner2013pmv2ppp(ones(49,49));


R. Baumgartner. Modeling sagittal-plane sound localization with the application to subband-encoded head related transfer functions. Master's thesis, University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, June 2012. [ .pdf ]

R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Assessment of Sagittal-Plane Sound Localization Performance in Spatial-Audio Applications, chapter 4, page expected print date. Springer-Verlag GmbH, accepted for publication, 2013.