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function [crosscorr,t] = lindemann1986bincorr(insig,fs,varargin)
%LINDEMANN1986BINCORR Cross-correlation between two input signals a la Lindemann
% Usage: crosscorr = bincorr(insig,fs,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1)
% Input parameters:
% insig : signal with t xnfc x2 (right, left channel)
% fs : sampling rate
% Output parameters:
% crosscorr : output matrix containing the correlations
% t : time axis corresponding to the n time samples in crosscorr
% LINDEMANN1986BINCORR(insig,fs) is an implementation of the Lindemann
% cross-correlation algorithm to simulate a binaural delay line. The
% output is a matrix of size n xm xamplitude, where
% n = length(t)/fs.
% The cross-correlation is calculated using:
% t
% CC(tau,t) = int R(l-tau/2) * L(k+tau/2) exp(-(t-k)/T_int) dk
% -inf
% where T_{int} denotes an integration time constant and R, L the right and
% left input signal.
% LINDEMANN1986BINCORR takes the following key/value pairs at the end of
% the command line:
% 'c_s',c_s Stationary inhibition factor, 0 <= c_s <= 1
% (0.0 = no inhibition). Default value is 0.3.
% 'w_f',w_f Monaural sensitivity at the end of the delay line,
% 0 <= w_f < 1. Default value is 0.035.
% 'M_f',M_f Determines the decrease of the monaural sensitivity along
% the delay line. Default value is 6
% 'T_int',t_int
% integration time window (ms). This is the memory of the
% correlation process with exp(-1/T_int). Also this
% determines the time steps in the binaural activity map,
% because every time step T_int a new running
% cross-correlation is started, so every T_int we have a new
% result in crosscorr. You can set T_int = inf if you like
% to have no memory effects, then you will get only one
% time step in crosscorr. Default value is 5 ms.
% 'N_1',N_1 Sample at which the first running cross-correlation should
% be started to avoid onset effects (see Lindemann (1986a) p.
% 1614). Default: 1, 17640 (*200/f*fs with f=500 and fs=44100)
% for 'stationary' (see above)
% 'stationary' will set the default values of N_1=17640 and T_int=inf, use
% this for stationary input signals.
% The key/values can also be specified first in the line of arguments
% in the following order: c_s, w_f, M_f, T_int, N_1.
% See also: lindemann1986
% References:
% W. Lindemann. Extension of a binaural cross-correlation model by
% contralateral inhibition. I. Simulation of lateralization for
% stationary signals. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 80:1608-1622, 1986.
% W. Lindemann. Extension of a binaural cross-correlation model by
% contralateral inhibition. II. The law of the first wave front. J.
% Acoust. Soc. Am., 80:1623-1630, 1986.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Peter L. Søndergaard and Piotr Majdak.
% This file is part of AMToolbox version 0.9.7
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: Hagen Wierstorf
% --- Used abbreviations ---
% l,L : left signal
% r,R : right signal
% m : discrete time steps on the delay line (tau)
% n : discrete time (t)
% M : number of discrete steps on the delay line,
% length(delay line) = length(-M:M)
% w_r : monaural sensitivity in dependence of l
% w_l : monaural sensitivity in dependence of r
% c_s : stationary inhibition factor
% w_f : monaural sensitivity at the end of the delay line
% M_f : decrease of monaural sensitivity along the delay line
% T_int : integration time window (see above)
% N_1 : lower summation boundary for the running cross-correlation
% N_2 : upper summation boundary for the running cross-correlation
% cc : running cross-correlation
%% ------ Checking of input parameters -----------------------------------
if nargin<2
error('%s: Too few input parameters.',upper(mfilename));
[flags,keyvals,c_s,w_f,M_f,T_int,N_1] = ...
if ~isnumeric(insig) || min(size(insig))~=2
error('%s: insig has to be a numeric two channel signal!',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(fs) || ~isscalar(fs) || fs<=0
error('%s: fs has to be a positive scalar!',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(c_s) || ~isscalar(c_s) || c_s<0 || c_s>1
error('%s: 0 <= c_s <= 1',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(w_f) || ~isscalar(w_f) || w_f<0 || w_f>=1
error('%s: 0 <= w_f < 1',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(M_f) || ~isscalar(M_f) || M_f<=0
error('%s: M_f has to be a positive scalar!',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(T_int) || ~isscalar(T_int) || T_int<=0
error('%s: T_int has to be a positive scalar!',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(N_1) || ~isscalar(N_1) || N_1<=0
error('%s: N_1 has to be a positive scalar!',upper(mfilename));
%% ------ Computation ----------------------------------------------------
siglen = size(insig,1);
nfc = size(insig,2); % number of frequency channels
% Ensure 0 <= insig <= 1, so that 0 <= r,l <= 1 (see lindemann1986a, eq. 4)
insig = insig ./ (max(insig(:))+eps);
% Integration time of summing cross-correlation
T_int = round(T_int/1000 * fs);
% Check if the given signal length is long enough to provide an output for the
% given start N_1 of the running cross-correlation (see lindemann1986a, p. 1614)
if T_int<Inf && siglen<=N_1+T_int
error('%s: siglen has to be longer than N_1+T_int==%i', ...
elseif T_int==Inf && siglen<=N_1
error('%s: siglen has to be longer than N_1==%i for T_int==Inf', ...
% ------ Time steps on the delay line ------------------------------------
% -M:M are the time steps of the delay.
% Maximum delay (in samples): 1ms (this is for 500 Hz pure tones (T/2). In
% common this should be different for every frequency band, see
% Lindemann (1986a) S. 1613, eq. 21.)
% The delay-line needs a sampling rate of fs*2. Therefore the signals are
% not doubled and filled with 0 as in Lindemann (1986a), page 1610 and
% 1611, but the delay line time is halfed. If the signals are really filled with
% zeros instead of doubling every entry Lindemanns inhibition process won't work
% anymore!
M = round(fs/2 / 1000);
% Length of the delay line
ndl = length(-M:M);
% ------ Monaural sensitives of the correlator ---------------------------
% The following equations are from Lindemann (1986a) equation 9 on page
%>1611. Obviously is w_r(m) = w_l(-m).
% Monaural sensitivities for the left ear
w_r = w_f .* exp(-(2*M:-1:0)./M_f);
w_r = w_r';
% Duplicate columns of w_r for every band
w_r = w_r(:,ones(1,nfc));
% Monaural sensitivities for the right ear
w_l = w_f .* exp(-(0:2*M)./M_f);
w_l = w_l';
% Duplicate columns of w_l for every band
w_l = w_l(:,ones(1,nfc));
% ------ Calculate the cross-correlation ---------------------------------
% Prepare the left and right delay line signal
l = zeros(ndl,nfc);
r = zeros(ndl,nfc);
% Set upper summation index for running cross-correaltion
% See lindemann1986a, eq. 24
N_2 = setN_2(N_1,T_int,siglen);
% Generate time axis
t = (N_2:(N_2-N_1):siglen)'/fs;
% Memory preallocation
crosscorr = zeros( floor( (siglen-N_1)/(N_2-N_1) ),ndl,nfc );
cc = zeros(ndl,nfc);
ii = 1; % crosscorr index
for n = 1:siglen
% ------ Inhibition --------------------------------------------------
% Stationary inhibition after Lindemann (1986a, p. 1612 eq. 11a):
% r(m+1,n+1) = r(m,n) * [1 - c_s l(m,n)]
% l(m-1,n+1) = l(m,n) * [1 - c_s r(m,n)]
% The length of r and l are the same as the length of the delay line
% (ndl = length(-M:M)). Also the signals are mirror-inverted,
% because of their different directions passing the delay line. l starts
% on the right sight and r on the left side of the delay line. If you
% want to mirror the axes of the delay line, you have to exchange the
% input direction of r and l into the delay line.
r_mn = r;
l_mn = l;
r = [ insig(n,:,2); r_mn(1:ndl-1,:) .* (1-c_s.*l_mn(1:ndl-1,:)) ];
l = [ l_mn(2:ndl,:) .* (1-c_s.*r_mn(2:ndl,:)); insig(n,:,1) ];
% TODO: the spectral shape is also needed for some application, so we should
% check if the following solution can be fixed to work as it should.
% The normalization with max([r l]+eps) is done, to avoid a
% dependence on the amplitude for the inhibition mechanism (see Gaik
% 1993, p. 109). This preserves the spectral shape across frequency
% channels. Therefore the inhibition depends now only on its stationary
% inhibition factor c_s.
%l = [ l(2:ndl,:) .* (1 - (c_s .* r(2:ndl,:) ./ ...
% max(max([l r]+eps)) ) ); insig(n,:,1) ];
%r = [ insig(n,:,2); r(1:ndl-1,:) .* ...
% (1 - (c_s .* l(1:ndl-1,:) ./ max(max([l r]+eps))) ) ];
% ------ Monaural sensitivity and trading ----------------------------
% Monaural sensitivities after Lindemann (1986a, p. 1611 eq. 6a + 6b):
% r'(m,n) = r(m,n) * [1 - w_l(m)] + w_l(m)
% l'(m,n) = l(m,n) * [1 - w_r(m)] + w_r(m)
% Trading factors after Gaik (1993, p. 106).
%>Multiplication by a level factor to reach an ILD of 0 for a given
%>ITD, if this ILD corresponded to a natural ILD for this ITD.
%NOTE: trading will be implemented later
%R(m) = r(m) .* trading(m,1) .* (1-w_l(m)) + w_l(m);
%L(m) = l(m) .* trading(m,2) .* (1-w_r(m)) + w_r(m);
R = r .* (1-w_l) + w_l;
L = l .* (1-w_r) + w_r;
% ------ Cross-correlation -------------------------------------------
% Calculate running cross-correlation (e.g. Lindemann 1986a, eq. 10 +
% eq. 24).
% __
% \ N_2
% cc(m,n) = /__ n=N_1 R(m,n) * L(m,n) * exp(-(N_2-n)/T_int)
% NOTE: For simplicity with stationary signals Lindemann uses only this
% formula which can be managed by setting T_int=Inf:
% __
% \ N_2
% cc(m,n) = /__ n=N_1 R(m,n) * L(m,n)
if n>=N_1 && n<=N_2
cc = cc + R.*L .* exp( -(N_2-n) / T_int );
% If we have reached the upper summation index, store the result in
% crosscorr and start a new summation
if n==N_2
crosscorr(ii,:,:) = cc;
cc = zeros(ndl,nfc);
ii = ii+1;
N_1 = N_2+1;
N_2 = setN_2(N_1,T_int,siglen);
% ------ Subfunctions ----------------------------------------------------
function N_2 = setN_2(N_1,T_int,siglen)
% SETN_2 Sets the summation boundary N_2 to a new value
if T_int==Inf
N_2 = siglen;
N_2 = N_1 + T_int;