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KELVASA2015_CALIBRATEMAPPING - Produces necessary mappings for localization model


[mappingData] = kelvasa2015_calibratemapping(varargin)

Input parameters

varargin structure with all parameters required for model. If this is not included, default paramters are loaded.


The output structure "mappingData" has the following fields:
calibHRTFsig :
NxMxS matrix of signal levels in which N is the range of azimuthal angles overwhich the signal was computed, M is the number of time samples,and S are audio channels.
calSpikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi :
NxMxS matrix of chan2 - chan1 spike rate differences in spikes/sec in which N is the range of azimuthal angles overwhich the signal was computed, M is the number of simulated AN fibers, and S is the number of time bins.
NxM matrix of spike rates in spikes/sec in which N is a range of signal levels in dB SPL and M is the number of simulated AN fibers
calParameters :
structure of model paramters used in processing calibration stimulus

kelvasa2015_calibratemapping(varargin) processes a user specified calibration wavfile and extracts the necessary data required to map simulated bilateral neural outputs onto a predicted azimuthal angle. This function computes data required by all three localization models described in (Kelvasa & Dietz(2015)) and can therefore take several hours to process.


D. Kelvasa and M. Dietz. Auditory model-based sound direction estimation with bilateral cochlear implants. Trends in Hearing, 19:2331216515616378, 2015. [ DOI ]