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Produces necessary mappings for kelvasa2015


mappingData = kelvasa2015_calibratemapping(varargin);

Input parameters:

varargin All parameters required for model. If this is not included, default parameters are loaded.

Output parameters:


Calculated mapping data, including the following fields:

  • calibHRTFsig: Signal levels. Size: (N x M x S) with N being the range of azimuthal angles overwhich the signal was computed, M being the number of time samples, and S being the number of audio channels.
  • calSpikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi: Matrix of chan2-chan1 spike rate differences (in spikes/s). Size: (N x A x B) with N being the range of azimuthal angles over which the signal was computed, A being the number of simulated AN fibers, and B is the number of time bins.
  • calSpikeRatePerNeuronPerLevel: Matrix of spike rates (in spikes/s). Size: (L x A) with L being the range of signal SPLs (in dB) and A being the number of simulated AN fibers.
  • calParameters: Structure of model paramters used in processing calibration stimulus.


kelvasa2015_calibratemapping(varargin) processes a user-specified calibration sound file and extracts the necessary data required to map simulated bilateral neural outputs onto a predicted azimuthal angle. This function computes data required by all three localization models described in Kelvasa and Dietz (2015) and can therefore take several hours to process.


D. Kelvasa and M. Dietz. Auditory model-based sound direction estimation with bilateral cochlear implants. Trends in Hearing, 19:2331216515616378, 2015. [ DOI ]