function [mappingData] = kelvasa2015_calibratemapping(varargin)
%kelvasa2015_calibratemapping Produces necessary mappings for KELVASA2015
% Usage: mappingData = kelvasa2015_calibratemapping(varargin);
% Input parameters:
% varargin : All parameters required for model. If
% this is not included, default parameters are loaded.
% Output parameters:
% mappingData : Calculated mapping data, including the following fields:
% - calibHRTFsig*: Signal levels. Size: (*N x M x S*) with
% N being the range of azimuthal
% angles overwhich the signal was computed,
% M being the number of time samples, and
% S being the number of audio channels.
% - calSpikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi*: Matrix of chan2-chan1 spike
% rate differences (in spikes/s). Size: (*N x A x B*) with
% N being the range of azimuthal angles over which the signal was computed,
% A being the number of simulated AN fibers, and
% B is the number of time bins.
% - calSpikeRatePerNeuronPerLevel*: Matrix of spike rates (in spikes/s).
% Size: (*L x A*) with L being the range of signal SPLs (in dB)
% and A being the number of simulated AN fibers.
% - calParameters*: Structure of model paramters used in processing calibration stimulus.
% KELVASA2015_CALIBRATEMAPPING(varargin) processes a user-specified
% calibration sound file and extracts the necessary data required to map
% simulated bilateral neural outputs onto a predicted azimuthal angle.
% This function computes data required by all three localization models
% described in Kelvasa and Dietz (2015) and can therefore take several
% hours to process.
% See also: kelvasa2015
% References:
% D. Kelvasa and M. Dietz. Auditory model-based sound direction
% estimation with bilateral cochlear implants. Trends in Hearing,
% 19:2331216515616378, 2015.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Good
% #StatusCode: Good
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: MATLAB M-Signal M-Stats
% #Author: Daryl Kelvasa (2016): original implementation.
% #Author: Mathias Dietz (2016): original implementation.
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2022): integration in the AMT.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): major documentation rewrite for the AMT 1.6.
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
%% Load HRTF data
HRTF = amt_load('kelvasa2015',kv.HRTFfile);
[~,ind_elev] = min(abs(HRTF.SourcePosition(:,2)-kv.HRTFelevation));
[~,ind_dist] = min(abs(HRTF.SourcePosition(:,3)-kv.HRTFsourceDistance));
ind = find(sum([HRTF.SourcePosition(:,2) == HRTF.SourcePosition(ind_elev,2),...
HRTF.SourcePosition(:,3) == HRTF.SourcePosition(ind_dist,3)],2)...
HRTFnew.SourcePosition = HRTF.SourcePosition(ind,:);
HRTFnew.Data.IR = HRTF.Data.IR(ind,kv.HRTFchannels,:);
HRTFnew.Data.SamplingRate = HRTF.Data.SamplingRate;
%% Set dB SPL offset
%% Main Code
%Initialize variables
[signal, fs] = amt_load('kelvasa2015',kv.localizationModelCalibWav);
signal = signal(1:6*fs,:);
sigLengthSec = size(signal,1)/fs;
signal = resample(signal,kv.FS_ACE,fs);
numWindows = sigLengthSec/kv.timeWindowSec;
numNeurons = kv.N_nervecells;
spikeRatePerNeuron = zeros(2,numNeurons,numWindows);
spikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi = zeros(numel(kv.azis),numNeurons,numWindows);
%% Calibration of the AN Linear Rate Difference and Max Likelihood model
for ang = 1 : numel(kv.azis)
%HRTF filter signal and choose microphone channels
[~,ind_ang] = min(abs(HRTF.SourcePosition(:,1)-kv.azis(ang)));
HRIR = resample(squeeze(HRTF.Data.IR(ind_ang,:,:))',...
HRTFchan1 = ifft(fft(signal).*fft(HRIR(:,1),numel(signal)));
HRTFchan2 = ifft(fft(signal).*fft(HRIR(:,2),numel(signal)));
HRIR = [HRTFchan1,HRTFchan2];
if kv.azis(ang) == 0
temp = HRIR(:,1)./rms(HRIR(:,1));
scalor = scaletodbspl(kv.localizationModelCalibStimulusLevelDB,[],dboffset);
scalor = rms(temp.*scalor)/rms(HRIR(:,1));
HRIR = HRIR .* scalor;
mappingData.calibHRTFsig(ang,:,:) = HRIR;
%Process signal with CI and AN models for right and left channels
for chan = 1 : 2
%ACE CI processing strategy
[electrodogram, vTime] = ...
%Fredelake Hohmann CI/AN model
[APvec] = ...
vTime, 'argimport',flags,kv);
[spikeRatePerNeuron(chan,:,:), ~] = ...
spikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi(ang,:,:) = squeeze(spikeRatePerNeuron(2,:,:) - ...
a = toc;
timeLeft = round((a*(numel(kv.azis)- ang))/60);
amt_disp(['calibrating with ',kv.localizationModelCalibWav,'.wav at ',...
' dB. Estimated minutes left to complete: ', num2str(timeLeft)],'volatile');
%% Calibration of the AN Rate Level localization model
% %Initialize variables
spikeRatePerNeuronPerLevel = zeros(numel(kv.dBRange), numNeurons);
signal = squeeze(mappingData.calibHRTFsig(1,:,1))';
for level = 1 : numel(kv.dBRange)
%Adjust signal to level over which to compute rate level slopes (???)
temp = signal./rms(signal);
scalor = scaletodbspl(kv.dBRange(level),[],dboffset);
scalor = rms(temp.*scalor)/rms(signal(:,1));
HRTFsig = scalor.*signal;
%Process signal with CI and AN models for right and left channels
[electrodogram, vTime] = ...
[APvec] = ...
[spikeRatePerNeuron, ~] = ...
sigLengthSec, 'argimport',flags,kv);
%Compute mean spike rate over all time windows
spikeRatePerNeuronPerLevel(level,:) = mean(spikeRatePerNeuron,2);
a = toc; timeLeft = round((a*(numel(kv.dBRange)- level))/60);
amt_disp(['Calibration with ',...
kv.localizationModelCalibWav,'.wav at ',...
' dB Time left (min):', num2str(timeLeft)],'volatile');
mappingData.calSpikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi = spikeDiffPerNeuronPerAzi;
mappingData.calSpikeRatePerNeuronPerLevel = spikeRatePerNeuronPerLevel;
mappingData.calParameters = kv;