Applies to version: 1.6.0
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Framework for auditory modeling based on Bayesian inference

FrAMBI is a flexible framework to help scientists to develop and test mechanisms of hearing perception using Bayesian statistics. At its heart, the framework relies on computational statistics to support the assessment of quantitative structural hypotheses on the processes underlying the human hearing.

Main FrAMBI functions:

FrAMBI helpers:

Examples can be found in exp_barumerli2024, which uses two example models barumerli2024_itdlateral and barumerli2024_mockup as well as example for an environment sig_barumerli2024.


The core of the framework is frambi_simulate. If we draw a parallel with a behavioral experiment with a subject, frambi_simulate corresponds to a single trial in the experiment and we call frambi_simulate repetitively for as many trials as considered in the experiment.

An example of using frambi_simulate can be found in exp_barumerli2024.

frambi_simulate takes two structures as input: the agent and the environment. Both structures contain the following fields:

  • name: String with a name of the agent or environment.
  • type: String defining the type of the structure.
  • state: Structure describing the state of the agent or environment.
  • model: Structure describing the functions of the agent or environment.

Additionally, FrAMBI uses a structure defining various options of the experiment. All these structures are supposed to be created by the functions implementing the agent and the environment. Options can be created by calling frambi_validate without any input parameter.

The Agent

Within the AMT, an agent corresponds to a model. Consequently, the agents are defined by functions located in the directory models. There, the agent main function needs to create the agent's structure with the following fields:

  • name: String with the name of the agent.
  • type: String defining the type of the structure.
  • state: Structure describing the states of the agent with the following fields:
    • parameters: Structure describing the agent's parameters. For details, see frambi_parameters.
    • observation, beliefs, and action: Optional field with the results of agent's behavior. They will be created by frambi_sample and can be optionally set up by the agent's main function.
  • model: Structure with the following fields defining the agent's behavior:
    • initialize: Function handle to a function performing initializing the agent at the begin of each trial.
    • observe: Function handle to a function observing the environment based on the signal delivered by the environment.
    • infer: Function handle to a function infering the environment's hidden states based on the obesrvation.
    • act: Function handle to a function acting according to the infered states.
    • respond: Function handle to a function responding to the experimentator when a trial is completed.

The function handles that are stored in model can be local functions within the agent.

Note that when frambi_validate is called before the exit, model is the only required field because frambi_validate can create all the missing fields. Thus a minimalistic definition of the agent structure is:

agent.model = [];
agent = frambi_validate(agent);

Two examples of an agent can be found in barumerli2024_itdlateral and barumerli2024_mockup.

The Environment

Within the AMT, an environment corresponds to creating signals to be used by models. Consequently, the environments are defined by functions located in the directory signals and have the prefix sig_. There, the environment main function needs to create the environments's structure with the following fields:

  • name: String with the name of the environment.
  • type: String defining the type of the structure.
  • state: Structure describing the states of the environment with the following fields:
    • parameters: Structure describing the environments's parameters. For details, see frambi_parameters.
    • output: Structure with the output generated by the environment to be observed by the agent. This field is optional in the main function, but it must be provided by the execute function.
    • Other fields with internal variables for the environment's work.
  • model: Structure with the following fields defining the environment's behavior:
    • initialize: Function handle to a function performing initializing the environment at the begin of each trial.
    • execute: Function handle to a function creating the signal delivered to the agent.
    • conclude: Function handle to a function concluding whether the trial has reached its end. It must return true if the trial has been finished.

The function handles that are stored in model can be local functions within the environment.

Note that when frambi_validate is called before the exit, model.execute is the only required field because frambi_validate can create all the other fields. Thus a minimalistic definition of the environment structure is:

environment.model.execute = [];
environment = frambi_validate(environment);

An example of two environments can be found in sig_barumerli2024.

First steps

Create an experiment: To begin with FrAMBI, create a file in the directory experiments with the prefix exp_. There, create a function, in which:

  • Call the definition of the agent (the entity that simulates the subject's behavior).
  • Call the definition of the environment (representing the experimental conditions such as sound sources and their movement).
  • Configure the options such as the number of repetitions or specific settings for the simulation.

exp_barumerli2024 implements several experiments, it might be a good started and a template.

Create the agent: Create a function in the directory models. barumerli2024_itdlateral and barumerli2024_mockup implement two agents and these files can be used as a template.

Create the environment: Create a function in the directory signals with the prefix sig_. This function will simulated the external conditions of the experiment, like sound sources and define how they interact with the agent. sig_barumerli2024 implements two environments and might server as a template.

Expand the experiment: Back to your experiment function exp_, implement the run of the simulation by means of calling frambi_simulate, e.g.,

[response, logs] = frambi_simulate(agent, environment, options);

This code will execute a single trial, triggering the interaction between agent and environment, and returning the agent’s response and logs of the process.

Visualize the results: Plot and/or display the results using frambi_plot and/or frambi_disp. These functions help in analyzing the agent's behavior over time and the interaction between the agent and the environment, e.g.,

frambi_plot(logs,  {'beliefs', 'action'},  {'angle', 'time'});

In this example, frambi_plot creates a plot that shows the evolution of the agent's beliefs and actions, along with the environment's angle and time.

To display a detailed step-by-step log of the simulation, including the state of both the agent and the environment during each cycle, use

frambi_disp(logs, 1);

For more information, see the documentation of other functions and Barumerli and Majdak (2024).