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Publication-specific models

Peripheral models

  • bruce2018 - Auditory-nerve filterbank (improved synapse)
  • dau1996 - Linear filtering for monaural masking (basic)
  • dau1997 - Linear filtering for monaural masking (improved)
  • felsheim2024 - Adaptive leaky-integrate and firing probability (aLIFP) model of an electrically stimulated nerve fiber
  • hohmann2002 - Invertible Gammatone filterbank
  • king2019 - Nonlinear filterbank (based on a broken-stick) including modulation filterbank
  • lopezpoveda2001 - Dual resonance non-linear (DRNL) filterbank
  • lyon2011 - Cascade of asymmetric resonators with fast-acting compression model (single capacitor, aka CARFAC v1)
  • lyon2024 - Cascade of asymmetric resonators with fast-acting compression model (two-capacitors, aka CARFAC v2)
  • paulick2024 - Computational auditory signal processing and perception (CASP) model
  • relanoiborra2019 - Nonlinear filterbank (based on the DRNL) including modulation filterbank
  • smalt2014 - Medial olivocochlear reflex in auditory-nerve responses
  • verhulst2012 - Cochlear transmission-line model (basic)
  • verhulst2015 - Cochlear transmission-line model (improved)
  • verhulst2018 - Cochlear transmission-line model (improved, incl. brainstem)
  • zilany2007 - Auditory-nerve filterbank (basic)
  • zilany2014 - Auditory-nerve filterbank (improved)

Temporal-modulation sensitivity

  • carney2015 - Brainstem processing
  • ewert2000 - Modulation filterbank (based on the envelope power-spectrum model, EPSM)
  • king2019 - Modulation filterbank (based on nonlinear processing)
  • relanoiborra2019 - Modulation filterbank (based on DRNL)
  • roenne2012 - Simulate auditory brainstem responses (ABRs)

Binaural processing

  • bischof2023 - Binaural masking level differences moving sound sources
  • breebaart2001 - Binaural masking level differences
  • culling2004 - Binaural masking level difference
  • eurich2022 - Binaural detection model based on two-hemisphere code and interaural coherence
  • lindemann1986 - Binaural activity map based on cross-correlation
  • tabuchi2016 - Masker phase effect
  • takanen2013 - Binaural count-comparison model


  • chen2011 - Fast excitation pattern estimation
  • glasberg2002 - Loudness model for time-variant signals
  • moore1997 - Loudness model for stationary signals
  • moore2016 - Binaural loudness model
  • bramslow2004 - Loudness model considering hearing loss (AUDMOD)

Monaural speech perception

  • joergensen2011 - Speech-based envelope power spectrum (EPSM)
  • joergensen2013 - Speech-based envelope power spectrum (multi-resolution EPSM)
  • prudhomme2020 - Intelligibility with harmonic cancellation
  • taal2011 - Short-time objective intelligibility

Binaural speech perception

  • hauth2020 - Blind equalization cancellation model
  • jelfs2011 - Binaural inteligibility in the presence of stationary noises (from BRIRs)
  • lavandier2022 - Binaural inteligibility in the presence of stationary noises
  • leclere2015 - Binaural inteligibility for a reverberated speech target
  • vicente2020 - Binaural intelligibility in the presence of non-stationary noises considering audibility
  • vicente2020nh - Binaural intelligibility in the presence of non-stationary noises (NH listeners only)

Perceptual similarity

Audio quality

  • eurich2024 - Binaural audio quality assessement (eMoBi-Q)

HRTF models

  • pausch2022 - ITD prediction in the horizontal plane for listeners with hearing aids
  • ziegelwanger2013 - Direction-continuous model of time-of-arrival (TOA) in HRTFs (simple)
  • ziegelwanger2014 - Direction-continuous model of time-of-arrival (TOA) in HRTFs (robust)

Spatial perception

  • barumerli2023 - Bayesian spherical sound localization model (multi-feature)
  • baumgartner2013 - Localization in saggital planes (simple)
  • baumgartner2014 - Localization in saggital planes (robust, linear periphery)
  • baumgartner2016 - Localization in sagittal planes (robust, nonlinear periphery)
  • baumgartner2021 - Sound externalization based on perceptual-based decisions
  • dietz2011 - Sound lateral direction
  • georganti2013 - Distance estimation
  • hassager2016 - Sound externalization based on interaural level differences
  • kelvasa2015 - Azimuthal localization in cochlear-implant listeners
  • laback2023 - Contextual lateralization based on interaural level differences
  • langendijk2002 - Median-plane localization probability
  • li2020 - Sound externalization in reverberant spaces
  • llado2022 - Neural network localization
  • may2011 - Azimuthal localization of concurrent talkers
  • mclachlan2021 - Bayesian dynamic sound localization model
  • reijniers2014 - Bayesian spherical sound localization model (basic)
  • wierstorf2013 - Sound localization in wavefield synthesis

FrAMBI models