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Loudness model for stationary signals


results = moore1997(inSig, fs);
results = moore1997(inSig, fs, ...);

Input parameters:

insig Audio signal (single audio channel).
fs Sampling frequency (in Hz) of the input signal.

Output parameters:


Structure containing the model results:

  • eLdB: Excitation pattern, i.e., vector with the intensities (in dB) according to Eq. 3 from Moore et al. (1997).
  • erbN: Vector with the ERB rates (in Cam) of the considered auditory filters.
  • fc: Vector with the center frequencies (in Hz) of the considered auditory filters.
  • specLoud: Specific loudness as calculated in Sec. 1.6 of Moore et al. (1997).
  • monauralLoudness: the specific loudness specLoud integrated over all auditory filters. The meaning of this output is unclear and remains here for backward compatibility only.


Optional key-value pairs:

'fs',intfs Model-internal sampling frequency (in Hz). The input signal insig will be resampled to intfs. Default: 32000 Hz. It is strongly recommended to not change this default.
'flow',flow Lowest frequency (in Hz) for the evaluation of the outer- and middle-ear transfer function. Default: 20 Hz.
'fhigh',fhigh Highest frequency (in Hz) for the evaluation of the outer- and middle-ear transfer function. Default: 16000 Hz.
'order',order Order of the FIR filter (in samples) used to derive the outer- and middle-ear transfer function. Default: 4096 samples.
'erbStep',erbStep Spacing (in Cam) between successive excitation patterns on the ERB scale.
'erbFcMin',erbFcMin Center frequency (in Hz) of the lowest excitation pattern.
'erbFcMax',erbFcMax Center frequency (in Hz) of the highest excitation pattern.

This function calculates the excitation patterns (see Sec. 1.4 in Moore et al., 1997) and the specific loudness in quiet (Sec. 1.6) as described in Moore et al. (1997). Note that the calculation of the partial loudness (Secs. 1.7ff) is not implemented.


B. C. J. Moore, B. R. Glasberg, and T. Baer. A Model for the Prediction of Thresholds, Loudness, and Partial Loudness. J. Audio Eng. Soc, 45(4):224--240, 1997. [ http ]