Applies to version: 1.6.0
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Common functions

Signal levels and thresholds

  • dbspl - Calculate the SPL (in dB) of a signal
  • scaletodbspl - Scale a signal to have a specific SPL
  • absolutethreshold - Absolute threshold of hearing
  • nalrp - Hearing-aid gains according to the NAL-RP prescription procedure
  • standardaudiogram - Standard audiograms for various hearing-loss types


  • cart2horpolar - Convert from Cartesian to horizontal-polar coordinate system
  • erbrate2f - ERB rate to Frequency: Calculate the frequency associated with an ERB rate
  • f2erbrate - Frequency to ERB rate: Calculate the ERB rate for an auditory filter
  • f2bmdistance - Greenwoods function
  • f2erb - Frequency to ERB: Calculates the equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) of an auditory filter
  • f2siiweightings - Speech intelligibility weighted by frequency
  • hrtf2dtf - extracts dtf out of hrtf data
  • itd2angle_lookuptable - Create the lookup table
  • itd2angle - Convert ITD to an angle using a lookup table
  • phon2sone - Convert phon to sone
  • sone2phon - Convert sone to phon
  • sph2horpolar - Convert spherical to polar coordinates


Feature extractor

  • localizationerror - Compute psychoacoustic performance parameters from a sound localization experiment
  • itdestimator - Calculates ITD from a binaural pair of signals
  • erbest - Estimate the ERB from an impulse response
  • extractsp - Extract sagittal plane (SP) HRTFs from measurement data
  • ihcenvelope - Inner hair cell envelope extration


  • adaptloop - Applies non-linear adaptation to an input signal
  • fade - Add a rise and fall to the end and beginning of a sequence
  • hannfl - Plots a hann window
  • infamplitudeclip - Perform infinite amplitude clipping on singnal
  • interpolation - Interpolate data
  • optimaldetector - Generic optimal detector for the CASP and Breebaart models
  • bmld - Calculates the binaural masking level difference