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Hearing-aid gains according to the NAL-RP prescription procedure


g = nalrp(htl,fhtl,f);

Input parameters:

htl Audiogram (in dB HL). Usually obtained from standardaudiogram
fhtl Audiogram frequencies (in Hz). Usually [250 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 6000].
f Vector with targetted frequencies (in Hz).

Output parameters:

g Prescribed real-ear insertion gains (REIGs, in dB) at frequencies f. Size the same as f.


nalrp(..) returns gains as prescribed by the National Acoustics Laboratory (NAL) in their revised profound (RP) prescription procedure. The prescribed gains will be interpolated on the log-frequency scale to match frequencies in f. Note that nalrp does not account for the conduction loss.


H. Dillon. Hearing Aids. Thieme;Boomerang Press, New York; Sydney, 2 edition, 2012.

D. Byrne and H. Dillon. The National Acoustic Laboratories' (NAL) new procedure for selecting the gain and frequency response of a hearing aid. Ear and Hearing, 7:257--265, 1986. [ http ]

D. Byrne, A. Parkinson, and P. Newall. Modified Hearing Aid Selection Procedures for Severe/Profound Hearing Losses. In The Vanderbilt Hearing-Aid Report II, pages 295--300. York Press, 1991.