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Computational auditory signal processing and perception (CASP) model


[int_rep, Y, fc_aud, fc_mod] = paulick2024(insig, fs, ...);

Input parameters:

insig Column vector with the acoustic signal (in Pa). Size: (time).
fs Sampling rate (in Hz).

Output parameters:

int_rep Internal representation of the auditory process. Size: (time x fc_aud x fc_mod).

Structure containing the output of various model stages with the following fields:

  • OM: Output after outer-and middle ear filtering.
  • BM: Output of auditory filterbank (DRNL) stage representing the velocity at the basilar membrane.
  • IHC: Output of the IHC transduction stage representing the potential of the IHCs.
  • adaptation: Output of the adaptation stage after the modulation filterbank representing the processing at the level of brain stem.
fc_aud Centre frequencies (in Hz) of the auditory filterbank.
fc_mod Centre frequencies (in Hz) of the modulation filterbank.
fsR Sampling frequency (in Hz) after resampling of insig.


paulick2024(..) computes the internal representation of the signal insig as known as the CASP model described in Paulick et al., (2024). The model returns the output signals of each model stage. The model stages consist of an outer-and middle ear filter, DRNL filterbank, IHC model, adaptation stage and modulation filterbank.

Note: This code also implementats the 2008 version of the CASP model, described in Jepsen et al., (2008). This model can be evoked by using the kay-value pair 'model','jepsen2008'. While the implementation is as close as possible, it is based on the (limited) description in the Jepsen et al. (2008) and cannot be fully verified. The primary focus of this code is the revised model as described in Paulick et al. (2024).


M. Jepsen, S. Ewert, and T. Dau. A computational model of human auditory signal processing and perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124(1), 2008.

L. Paulick, H. Relaño-Iborra, and T. Dau. The Computational Auditory Signal Processing and Perception Model (CASP): A Revised Version. bioRxiv, 2024. [ DOI ]