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Localization in sagittal planes (robust, nonlinear periphery)


[p,rang,tang] = baumgartner2016( target,template )
[err,pred,m] = baumgartner2016( target,template,errorflag )

Input parameters:

target binaural impulse response(s) referring to the directional transfer function(s) (DFTs) of the target sound(s).
template binaural impulse responses of all available listener-specific DTFs of the sagittal plane referring to the perceived lateral angle of the target sound

Output parameters:

p predicted probability mass vectors for response angles with respect to target positions 1st dim: response angle 2nd dim: target angle
rang polar response angles (after regularization of angular sampling)
tang polar target angles (useful if sagittal-plane HRTFs are extracted directly from SOFA object)
err predicted localization error (acc. to performance measure defined in errorflag
pred structure with fields p, rang, tang
m item list from virtual experiment. See help localizationerror for format description.


baumgartner2016(...) is a model for sound-source localization in sagittal planes (SPs). It bases on the comparison of internal sound representation with a template and results in a probabilistic prediction of polar angle response.

baumgartner2016 accepts the following optional parameters:

'ID' Listeners ID (important for caching).
'Condition' Label of experimental condition (also for caching).
'fs',fs Define the sampling rate of the impulse responses. Default value is 48000 Hz.
'S',S Set the listener-specific sensitivity threshold (threshold of the sigmoid link function representing the psychometric link between transformation from the distance metric and similarity index) to S. Default value is 1.
'lat',lat Set the apparent lateral angle of the target sound to lat. Default value is 0 degree (median SP).
'stim' Define the stimulus (source signal without directional features). As default temstim is used.
'fsstim' Define the sampling rate of the stimulus. Default value is 48000 Hz.
'temstim' Define the dummy stimulus used to create the templates. The default is Gaussian white noise with a duration of 170 ms.
'SPL',L Set the SPL of the stimulus to L dB. Default value is 60dB.
'SPLtem',Lt Set the SPL of the templates to a specific SPL of Lt*dB if *Lt is a scalar or define a SPL range between Lt(1) and Lt(2)*dB if *Lt is a two-element vector. Default range is 40 to 70dB.
'flow',flow Set the lowest frequency in the filterbank to flow. Default value is 700 Hz.
'fhigh',fhigh Set the highest frequency in the filterbank to fhigh. Default value is 18000 Hz.
'space',sp Set spacing of auditory filter bands (i.e., distance between neighbouring bands) to sp in number of equivalent rectangular bandwidths (ERBs). Default value is 1 ERB.
'do',do Set the differential order of the spectral gradient extraction to do. Default value is 1 and includes restriction to positive gradients inspired by cat DCN functionality.
'bwcoef',bwc Set the binaural weighting coefficient bwc. Default value is 13 degrees.
'polsamp',ps Define the the polar angular sampling of the current sagittal plane. As default the sampling of ARIs HRTF format at the median SP is used, i.e., ps = [-30:5:70,80,100,110:5:210] degrees.
'mrsmsp',mrs Set the motoric response scatter mrs within the median sagittal plane. Default value is 17 degrees.
'cohc',cohc OHC scaling factor: 1 denotes normal OHC function (default); 0 denotes complete OHC dysfunction.
'cihc',cihc IHC scaling factor: 1 denotes normal IHC function (default); 0 denotes complete IHC dysfunction.
'fiberTypes',fT Types of the fibers based on spontaneous rate (SR) in spikes/s: \(fT=1\) for Low SR; \(fT=2\) for Medium SR; \(fT=3\) for High SR. Default is \(fT = 1:3\).

baumgartner2016 accepts the following flags:

'zilany2014' Use the model from Zilany et al. (2009,2014) for spectral analysis. This is the default.
'gammatone' Use the Gammatone filterbank for spectral analysis.
'SPLtemAdapt' Set SPL of templates acc. to target (Lt*=*L).
'NHtem' No adaptation of templates to hearing impairment, i.e., templates are processed with cohc=cihc=1 and fT = 1:3.
'ihc' Incorporate the transduction model of inner hair cells used by Dau et al. (1996).
'no_ihc' Do not incorporate the IHC stage. This is the default.
'regular' Apply spline interpolation in order to regularize the angular sampling of the polar response angle. This is the default.
'noregular' Disable regularization of angular sampling.
'errorflag' May be one of the error flags defined in baumgartner2014_pmv2ppp or localizationerror.
 Flag to redo also spectral analysis based on zilany2014 model.


  1. SOFA API from for Matlab (in e.g. thirdparty/SOFA)
  2. Data in hrtf/baumgartner2016


R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Modeling the effects of sensorineural hearing loss on auditory localization in the median plane. Trends in Hearing, 20:1--11, 2016. [ DOI ]

M. S. A. Zilany, I. C. Bruce, and L. H. Carney. Updated parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(1):283--286, Jan. 2014. [ DOI ]