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Nonlinear model of auditory periphery (basic version)


[ANdata,vFreq] = zilany2007(stim_level,stim,fsstim,fsmod,varargin)

Input parameters:

stim_level SPL of the stimulus (in dB).
stim Pressure waveform of stimulus (a time series).
fsstim Sampling frequency of the stimulus (in Hz).
fsmod Sampling frequency of the model (in Hz, often 200 kHz).

Output parameters:

ANdata Matrix with the excitation in 500 different AN fibers at center frequencies spaced equally on the basilar membrane.
vFreq Vector with the 500 center frequencies.


zilany2007(stim_level,stim,fsstim,fsmod) returns simulations from Rønne et al. (2012). It calls the mex'ed C code containing the humanized version of the AN model from Zilany et al. (2007). The humanization is described in Rønne et al. (2012). The AN model is called 500 times to simulate 500 fibers tuned to different center frequencies.

This function takes the following optional parameters:

'flow',flow Lowest centre frequency (in Hz). Default is 100 Hz.
'fhigh',fhigh Highest centre frequency (in Hz). Default is 16000 Hz.
'numCF',nf Number of fibers between lowest and highest frequency. The fibers will be equidistantly spaced on the basilar membrane. Default is 500.


F. M. Rønne, T. Dau, J. Harte, and C. Elberling. Modeling auditory evoked brainstem responses to transient stimuli. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 131(5):3903--3913, 2012. [ DOI ]

M. S. A. Zilany and I. C. Bruce. Representation of the vowel (epsilon) in normal and impaired auditory nerve fibers: Model predictions of responses in cats. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(1):402--417, jul 2007.