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Spectral analysis used by baumgartner2016


[mp,fc] = baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(sig,spl)

Input parameters:

sig Incoming time-domain signal
spl Sound pressure level (re \(20 \mu Pa\), in dB). Set to NaN in order to bypass internal level adjustment.

Output parameters:


Spectral magnitude profiles with following dimensions:

  • 1: Frequency (in Hz).
  • 2: Polar angle (in degrees).
  • 3: Channel.
  • 4: Fiber type. Optional.
  • 5: Time frame. Optional.
fc Center frequencies (in Hz) of auditory filters.


baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(...) computes temporally integrated spectral magnitude profiles.

baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis accepts the following optional parameters:

'tiwin',win Set temporal integration window in seconds. Default is Inf.
'ID',id Listener's ID (used for caching).
'Condition',name Label of the modeled condition (used for caching).

baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis accepts also optional flags:

'target' Processing of a target sound (for caching). Default.
'template' Processing of a template sound (for caching).
'gammatone' To apply a Gammatone filterbank instead of the Zilany et al. (2014) model of the auditory periphery.


R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Modeling the effects of sensorineural hearing loss on auditory localization in the median plane. Trends in Hearing, 20:1--11, 2016. [ DOI ]

M. S. A. Zilany, I. C. Bruce, and L. H. Carney. Updated parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(1):283--286, Jan. 2014. [ DOI ]