[mp,fc] = baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(sig,spl)
sig | Incoming time-domain signal |
spl | Sound pressure level (re \(20 \mu Pa\), in dB). Set to NaN in order to bypass internal level adjustment. |
mp | Spectral magnitude profiles with following dimensions:
fc | Center frequencies (in Hz) of auditory filters. |
baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(...) computes temporally integrated spectral magnitude profiles.
baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis accepts the following optional parameters:
'tiwin',win | Set temporal integration window in seconds. Default is Inf. |
'ID',id | Listener's ID (used for caching). |
'Condition',name | Label of the modeled condition (used for caching). |
baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis accepts also optional flags:
'target' | Processing of a target sound (for caching). Default. |
'template' | Processing of a template sound (for caching). |
'gammatone' | To apply a Gammatone filterbank instead of the Zilany et al. (2014) model of the auditory periphery. |
R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Modeling the effects of sensorineural hearing loss on auditory localization in the median plane. Trends in Hearing, 20:1--11, 2016. [ DOI ]
M. S. A. Zilany, I. C. Bruce, and L. H. Carney. Updated parameters and expanded simulation options for a model of the auditory periphery. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135(1):283--286, Jan. 2014. [ DOI ]