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Median-plane localization probability


pmv = langendijk2002(targets,template)
pmv = langendijk2002(targets,template, varargin)

Input parameters:

targets head-related impulse responses (HRIRs) of target sounds (sorted acc. ascending polar angle)
template HRIRs of template

Output parameters:

pmv Predicted probability mass vectors (PMVs) of polar response angles as a function of the polar target angle.


langendijk2002(targets,template,... ) results to a two dimensional matrix p. The first dimension represents all possible response positions in increasing order and the second dimension all possible target respectively source positions. Consequently each column represents the predicted probability mass vector (PMV) of the polar response angle distribution for one special target position. If you want to plot this prediction matrix use plot_langendijk2002.

langendijk2002 accepts the following optional parameters.

'fs',fs Sampling rate of the head-related impulse responses.
'bw',bw Bandwidth of filter bands as partial of an octave. The default value is 6.
'do',do Differential order. The default value is 0.
's',s Standard deviation of transforming Gaussian function; default value is 2.
'flow',flow Lower cutoff frequency of filter bank. min: 0,5kHz; default: 2kHz
'fhigh',fhigh Upper cutoff frequency of filter bank; default: 16kHz

langendijk2002 accepts the following flags.

'std' Apply Gaussian transformed standard deviation of inter-spectral differences for comparison process. This is the default.
'xcorr' Apply crosscorrelation for comparison process.


E. Langendijk and A. Bronkhorst. Contribution of spectral cues to human sound localization. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112:1583--1596, 2002.