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Data from Langendijk & Bronkhorst (2002)


data = data_langendijk2002(flag)

Output parameters:

data Data for various conditions and listeners depending on specified flag - see description below


data_langendijk2002(flag) returns data from Langendijk & Bronkhorst (2002).

In the case of response patterns (Fig. 7 & 9) the first row of data describes target position and the second one belongs to the response position. In the case of DTF data (Fig. 11) the first dimension of the data matrix describes frequency and the second one angle position, the first column defines the actual angle positions.

The flag may be one of:


DTF and response data of listener P3 for all conditions as described below. Naming of data fields:

  • pol: Polar angles of median-plane IRs.
  • medir: Median-plane IRs for respective condition.
  • target: Target angles for respective condition.
  • response: Response angles for respective condition.
'P6_data' Same as P3_data but for listener P6.
'P3_b' Data from Fig.9; listener: P3, condition: 'baseline'.
'P3_2o' Data from Fig.9; listener: P3, condition: '2-oct'.
'P3_1ol' Data from Fig.9; listener: P3, condition: '1-oct(low)'.
'P3_1om' Data from Fig.9; listener: P3, condition: '1-oct(middle)'.
'P3_1oh' Data from Fig.9; listener: P3, condition: '1-oct(high)'.
'P6_b' Data from Fig.7; listener: P6, condition: 'baseline'.
'P6_2o' Data from Fig.7; listener: P6, condition: '2-oct'.
'P6_1ol' Data from Fig.7; listener: P6, condition: '1-oct(low)'.
'P6_1om' Data from Fig.7; listener: P6, condition: '1-oct(middle)'.
'P6_1oh' Data from Fig.7; listener: P6, condition: '1-oct(high)'.
'P3_dtf' Precalculated DTF data of P3 from Fig.11.
'P6_dtf' Precalculated DTF data of P6 from Fig.11.
'P3_dtf_bmp' DTFs calculated of P3 from the bitmap of the JASA paper.
'P6_dtf_bmp' DTFs calculated of P6 from the bitmap of the JASA paper.

If no flag is given, the function will print the list of valid flags.


E. Langendijk and A. Bronkhorst. Contribution of spectral cues to human sound localization. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112:1583--1596, 2002.