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Medial olivocochlear reflex in auditory nerve responses


[timeout,meout,mocr,c1filterout,c2filterout,c1vihc,c2vihc,vihc,synout,psth] = smalt2014(pin,CF,nrep,binwidth,T,cohc,cihc,spont,mocr_max,mocr_threshold,mocr_slope,mocr_binauralratio,shocks)

Input parameters:

pin the input sound wave in Pa sampled at the appropriate sampling rate (see instructions below)
cf the characteristic frequency of the fiber in Hz
nrep the number of repetitions for the psth
binwidth the binsize in seconds, i.e., the reciprocal of the sampling rate (see instructions below)
reptime the time between stimulus repetitions in seconds - NOTE should be equal to or longer than the duration of pin
cohc the ohc scaling factor: 1 is normal OHC function; 0 is complete OHC dysfunction
cihc the ihc scaling factor: 1 is normal IHC function; 0 is complete IHC dysfunction
spont the spontaneous rate of the fiber in spikes/s - NOTE a value of 50 was used in Zilany and Bruce (2006)
mocr_max the maximum ohc gain reduction possible: 1 ohc gain can be completely reduced; 0 means ohc gain cannot be changed by efferent path
mocr_threshold the threshold of the LD block before gain reduction starts to occur
mocr_slope the slope of the LD block (how quickly gain reduction starts to occur as level increases)
 the ipsi / contra efferent gain reduction ratio
shocks a length 2 vector with value 0 or 1 for ipsi/contra. 0 indicates do not shock the system, 1 indicates shock the system (effectively reduces gain by mocr_max

Output parameters:

timeout an array of times in seconds
meout the output of the middle-ear filter
mocr the output of the efferent block of the model (MOCR timecourse)
c1filterout the output of the C1 (signal path) BM filter
c2filterout the output of the C2 (parallel path) BM filter
c1vihc the output of the C1 IHC transduction function
c2vihc the output of the C2 IHC transduction function
vihc the IHC potential
synout the synapse output in spikes/s
psth the peri-stimulus time histogram


[timeout,meout,mocr,c1filterout,c2filterout,c1vihc,c2vihc,vihc,synout,psth] = smalt2014(pin,1e3,10,1/500e3,0.200,1,1,50,1,-130.5,0.01638,[.4654 .2332],[0 0]);

models a normal fiber of spontaneous rate 50 spikes/sec (normal OHC & IHC function) with a CF of 1 kHz, for 10 repititions and a sampling rate of 500kHz, for a repetition duration of 200 ms and a binaural stimulus pin = [2xN] for a monaural stimulus, use pin [1xN] (row vector)

Note on the sampling rate: In this version of the code, only 100kHz sampling rate is supported


C. J. Smalt, M. G. Heinz, and E. A. Strickland. Modeling the Time-Varying and Level-Dependent Effects of the Medial Olivocochlear Reflex in Auditory Nerve Responses. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 15(2):159--173, Apr. 2014. [ DOI ]