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calculates difference of predicted masker thresholds


[kfunc_acrCvalGmax, kvals] = tabuchi2016(insig, nPhase, dataOut)

Input parameters:

insig input signal
nPhase phase index
data input data

Output parameters:

 matrix (target level, Cvec, Gmax, precursor condition, masker level)
kvals values of the k function

tabuchi2016` takes a a roex-weighted Schroeder phase complex as an input. o simplify the code, the frequency weighting is already saved in the ata file (e.g., Attenu_Roex_GrandMeanSd_OffFreq_60dB.mat). Then, the /O function processing is performed to get the RMS Outputs of Masker nd Masker + Target from C-1.5 to 1. Then, the average of K based on max 34 and C from are retrieved, which involves the processing of he I/O function.


Optional parameters:

'C',C C (curvature) value
'Gmax',Gmax maximum gain value
'mlvl',mlvl sound pressure level
 conversion parameter to get K value
'gamma',gamma gamma value
'beta',beta beta value
'freq',freq masker frequency [Hz]


H. Tabuchi, B. Laback, T. Necciari, and P. Majdak. The role of compression in the simultaneous masker phase effect. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140(4), 2016. [ DOI ]

B. Glasberg and B. Moore. Frequency selectivity as a function of level and frequency measured with uniformly exciting notched noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108:2318--28, 12 2000. [ DOI ]

N. P. Cooper. Harmonic distortion on the basilar membrane in the basal turn of the guinea‐pig cochlea. The Journal of Physiology, 509, 1998.