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Efficient monaural and binaural model for audio quality assessment (eMoBi-Q)


[features, mpar] = eurich2024(mRef, mTest, fs);
[features, mpar] = eurich2024(mRef, mTest, fs, mpar)

Input parameters:

mRef Binaural audio reference signal. Size: (time x ear).
mTest Binaural audio test signal. Size: (time x ear).
fs Sampling rate (in Hz) of mRef and mTest.

Optional structure with the model parameters. Defaults: as in arg_eurich2024. The following fields are supported:

  • fs: Sampling frequency (in Hz) of model.
  • GT_Filters_per_ERB_aud: Spacing (in ERB) of peripheral filter central frequencies.
  • GT_bandwidth_factor: Factor of the Gammatone filter bandwidth (relative to the bandwidth of 79 Hz at center frequency of 500 Hz).
  • GT_lowest_center_frequency: Center frequency (in Hz) of lowest filter in the Gammatone filterbank.
  • GT_highest_center_frequency: Center frequency (in Hz) of highest filter in the Gammatone filterbank.
  • GT_fix_center_frequency: Center frequency (in Hz) of the fixed filter in the Gammatone filterbank.
  • GT_filterorder: Filter order of the Gammatone filterbank.
  • env_lowpass_fc: Cutoff frequency (in Hz) of the envelope lowpass filter.
  • env_lowpass_n: Order of the envelope lowpass filter.
  • mso_rolloff: Frequency threshold (in Hz) below that Gammas are calculated based on fine structure and above that Gammas are calculated based on envelopes.
  • interference_sigma: Standard deviation of the Gaussian window used for the across-frequency incoherence interference.
  • iKernelThresh: Threshold above which a value of the Gaussian filter window is used.
  • rho_max: Upper limit of encoded interaural coherence (represents existence of internal noise).
  • ild_lim: Limit for the ILD (in dB).
  • FrameLen: Length (in samples) of consecutive rectangular time frames.

Output parameters:


Structure containing the features calculated by the model, containing:

  • d_gamma: Gamma features. Size: (m x n), with m being the time frames and n the frequency bands.
  • d_ild: ILD features. Size: (m x n).
  • d_snr: SNR features. Size: (m x n).
mpar Structure with the updated model parameters.


Note: if mpar is not provided, it is loaded from arg_eurich2024.


B. Eurich, S. D. Ewert, M. Dietz, and T. Biberger. A computationally efficient model for combined assessment of monaural and binaural audio quality. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 100(4):2381--2396, June 2024. [ DOI ]