Applies to version: 1.6.0

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Validate a FrAMBI structure


options = frambi_validate();
options = frambi_validate(options);
agent = frambi_validate(agent);
environment = frambi_validate(environment);
agent_state = frambi_validate(agent_state);
environment_state = frambi_validate(environment_state);

Input parameters:

agent Structure with the FrAMBI agent as indicated by agent.type. If not found, any structure having the field model but not model.execute, will be treated as agent.
environment Structure with the FrAMBI environment as indicated by environment.type. If not found, any structure having the field model.execute will be treated as environment.
options Structure with the FrAMBI options as indicated by options.type. If not found, any structure not being recognized as agent, environment, nor a state will be treated as options.
agent_state Structure with the FrAMBI agent state as indicated by agent_state.type. If not found, any structure having the field parameters but not parameters.output, will be treated as agent_state.
 Structure with the FrAMBI environment state as indicated by environment_type. If not found, any structure having the field parameters.output will be treated as environment_state.


Output parameter is the updated and validated input structure.


R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics, 2024.