function in = frambi_validate(in)
%frambi_validate Validate a FrAMBI structure
% Usage: options = frambi_validate();
% options = frambi_validate(options);
% agent = frambi_validate(agent);
% environment = frambi_validate(environment);
% agent_state = frambi_validate(agent_state);
% environment_state = frambi_validate(environment_state);
% Input parameters:
% agent: Structure with the FrAMBI agent as indicated by
% agent.type. If not
% found, any structure having the field model
% but not model.execute, will be treated as
% agent.
% environment: Structure with the FrAMBI environment as indicated by
% environment.type. If not
% found, any structure having the field model.execute
% will be treated as environment.
% options: Structure with the FrAMBI options as indicated by
% options.type. If not
% found, any structure not being recognized as
% agent, environment, nor a state will be treated as
% options.
% agent_state: Structure with the FrAMBI agent state as indicated by
% agent_state.type. If not
% found, any structure having the field parameters
% but not parameters.output, will be treated as
% agent_state.
% environment_state: Structure with the FrAMBI environment state as indicated by
% environment_type. If not
% found, any structure having the field
% parameters.output will be treated as
% environment_state.
% Output parameter is the updated and validated input structure.
% See also: frambi_simulate exp_barumerli2024 sig_barumerli2024 barumerli2024_itdlateral barumerli2024_mockup
% References:
% R. Barumerli and P. Majdak. FrAMBI: A Software Framework for Auditory
% Modeling Based on Bayesian Inference. under review at Neuroinformatics,
% 2024.
% Url:
% #Author: Roberto Barumerli (2023): Original implementation of various validate functions.
% #Author: Michael Mihocic (2024): Header documentation fixed.
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2024): Implementation of frambi_validate based on several validation functions
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
if ~exist('in','var')
% if not provided, it's options
in.type = 'FrAMBI Options';
elseif isempty(in)
% if empty, it's options
in.type = 'FrAMBI Options';
elseif ~isfield(in, 'type')
% if .type not defined, detect the type from other fields
if isfield(in, 'parameters')
% it's a state
if isfield(in, 'output')
in.type = 'FrAMBI Environment State';
in.type = 'FrAMBI Agent State';
elseif isfield(in, 'model')
% it's environment or agent
if isfield(in.model,'execute')
% it's an environment
in.type = 'FrAMBI Environment';
% it's an agent
in.type = 'FrAMBI Agent';
% it's options
in.type = 'FrAMBI Options';
switch in.type
case 'FrAMBI Agent'
% Agent: must not contain parameters
if isfield(in, 'parameters')
error('FrAMBI agent structure must not contain the field parameters.');
% name
if ~isfield(in, 'name'), = 'unknown'; end
% state
if ~isfield(in, 'state'), in.state.parameters=[]; end
in.state = frambi_validate(in.state);
% model
if ~isfield(in,'model'), in.model=struct(); end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'initialize'), in.model.initialize = @(astate) astate; end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'act'), in.model.act = @(astate, options) astate.action; end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'observe'), in.model.observe = @(eoutput, astate, options) eoutput; end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'infer'), in.model.infer = @(astate, options) astate.beliefs; end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'respond'), in.model.respond = @(astate, options) astate.action; end
if isempty(in.model.initialize), in.model.initialize = @(astate) astate; end
if isempty(in.model.act), in.model.act = @(astate, options) astate.action; end
if isempty(in.model.observe), in.model.observe = @(eoutput, astate, options) eoutput; end
if isempty(in.model.infer), in.model.infer = @(astate, options) astate.beliefs; end
if isempty(in.model.respond), in.model.respond = @(astate, options) astate.action; end
case 'FrAMBI Environment'
% Environment: must contain: execute. Must not contain parameters nor simulate.
if sum(isfield(in, {'parameters','simulate'}))
error('FrAMBI Environment structure must not contain the fields parameters nor simulate.');
% name
if ~isfield(in, 'name'), = 'unknown'; end
% state
if ~isfield(in, 'state'), in.state.parameters.output=[]; end
in.state = frambi_validate(in.state);
% model
if ~isfield(in,'model'), in.model=struct(); end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'initialize'), in.model.initialize = @(estate) estate; end
if ~isfield(in.model,'execute'), in.model.execute = @(estate, aact, options) estate; end
if ~isfield(in.model, 'conclude'), in.model.conclude = @(estate, options) true; end
if isempty(in.model.initialize), in.model.initialize = @(estate) estate; end
if isempty(in.model.execute), in.model.execute = @(estate, aact, options) estate; end
if isempty(in.model.conclude), in.model.conclude = @(estate, options) true; end
case 'FrAMBI Options'
% Options: must contain the field sample. Must not contain parameters.
if isfield(in, 'parameters')
error('FrAMBI Options structure must not contain the field parameters.');
% name
if ~isfield(in, 'name'), = 'unknown'; end
if ~isfield(in, 'initialization'), in.initialization = true; end
if ~isfield(in, 'validation'), in.validation = true; end
% options used by frambi_simulate
if ~isfield(in, 'simulate'), in.simulate = struct(); end
if ~isfield(in.simulate, 'cycles_max'), in.simulate.cycles_max = 1; end
% options used by frambi_sample
if ~isfield(in, 'sample'), in.sample = struct(); end
if ~isfield(in.sample, 'bandwidth'), in.sample.bandwidth = 0; end
if ~isfield(in.sample, 'iterations'), in.sample.iterations = 500; end
if ~isfield(in.sample, 'support'), = [0 0]; end
% options used by frambi_estimate
if ~isfield(in, 'estimate'), in.estimate = struct(); end
if ~isfield(in.estimate, 'disp'), in.estimate.disp = true; end
if ~isfield(in.estimate, 'optimizer'), in.estimate.optimizer = 'bads'; end
if ~isfield(in.estimate, 'parameters'), in.estimate.parameters=struct(); end
switch in.estimate.optimizer
case 'bads' % Default options for BADS
if ~isfield(in.estimate.parameters, 'Display'), in.estimate.parameters.Display = 'off'; end
error('Unknown optimizer');
case 'FrAMBI Environment State'
% State of the environment: must contain the fields parameters and output.
if ~isfield(in, 'parameters'), in.parameters = struct(); end
if ~isfield(in, 'output'), in.output = struct(); end
case 'FrAMBI Agent State'
% State of the agent: must contain the field parameters and must not contain the field output.
if ~isfield(in, 'parameters'), in.parameters = struct(); end
if isfield(in, 'output')
error('FrAMBI Agent structure must not contain the field output.');
if ~isfield(in, 'action'), in.action = struct(); end
if ~isfield(in, 'observation'), in.observation = struct(); end
if ~isfield(in, 'beliefs'), in.beliefs = []; end
if ~isfield(in, 'terminate'), in.terminate = false; end
error([in.type ': Uknown type of FrAMBI structure']);