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MOORE1997 - Loudness model for stationary signals


[results] = moore1997(inSig,fs);

Input parameters

insig input signal
fs sampling frequency [Hz]

Output parameters

results structure containing the excitation pattern


Optional parameters:

'fs',fs model-internal sampling frequency [Hz]; it is strongly recommended to use the default of 32 kHz
'flow',flow lowest frequency at which to evaluate the outer/middle ear transfer function
'fhigh',fhigh highest frequency at which to evaluate the outer/middle ear transfer function
'order',order order of the FIR filter used for deriving the outer/middle ear transfer function
'erbStep',erbStep spacing between successive excitation patterns [cam]
'erbFcMin',erbFcMin lowest center frequency [Hz] at which to calculate the excitation pattern
'erbFcMax',erbFcMax highest center frequency [Hz] at which to calculate the excitation pattern

This code calculates the excitation patterns as in moore1997 and the specific loudness.


fs = 32000; t = linspace(0,1,fs); sig = sin(2*pi*1000*t).'; inSig = scaletodbspl(sig,100);


B. C. J. Moore, B. R. Glasberg, and T. Baer. A Model for the Prediction of Thresholds, Loudness, and Partial Loudness. J. Audio Eng. Soc, 45(4):224--240, 1997. [ http ]