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[] = exp_klingel2022(flag)
exp_klingel2022(flag) reproduces figures of the study from Klingel & Laback (2022).
The following flags can be specified
'fig3' | Reproduce Fig.3: Pretest ILD weights for each frequency band, averaged across azimuths. Blue circles show the results of experiment 1, red triangles of experiment 2. ILD weights gradually increase for single-band conditions from low (794-1260 Hz), to mid-low (1414-1782 Hz), to mid-high (2245-2828 Hz), to high (3564-4490 Hz). The multiband condition shows ILD weights similar to the mid-low band. |
'fig4' | Reproduce Fig.4: ILD weights as a function of azimuth for each frequency band (columns) and group (rows; top row shows ITD groups, bottom row shows ILD groups). ILD weights gradually increase from low- to high-frequency stimuli and on average are lower for lateral azimuths. Significant weight changes from pre- to posttest were observed for the ILD group in experiment 1 for the high-frequency band as well as in experiment 2 for the mid-high-frequency band. Additionally, a significant weight change from pre- to posttest was observed for the ITD group in experiment 1 for the mid-low- frequency band at 9 deg azimuth as well as in experiment 2 at 39 deg azimuth. |
Additional info about the data:
'wILD_exp1' | ILD weights of experiment 1
'wILD_exp2' | ILD weights of experiment 2
To display Fig.3 use
To display Fig.4 use