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function exp_klingel2022(varargin)
%EXP_KLINGEL2022 Experiments of Klingel & Laback (2022)
% Usage: [] = exp_klingel2022(flag)
% `exp_klingel2022(flag)` reproduces figures of the study from
% Klingel & Laback (2022).
% The following flags can be specified
% 'fig3' Reproduce Fig.3:
% Pretest ILD weights for each frequency band, averaged
% across azimuths. Blue circles show the results of
% experiment 1, red triangles of experiment 2. ILD weights
% gradually increase for single-band conditions from low
% (794-1260 Hz), to mid-low (1414-1782 Hz), to mid-high
% (2245-2828 Hz), to high (3564-4490 Hz). The multiband
% condition shows ILD weights similar to the mid-low band.
% 'fig4' Reproduce Fig.4:
% ILD weights as a function of azimuth for each frequency
% band (columns) and group (rows; top row shows ITD groups,
% bottom row shows ILD groups). ILD weights gradually
% increase from low- to high-frequency stimuli and on average
% are lower for lateral azimuths. Significant weight changes
% from pre- to posttest were observed for the ILD group in
% experiment 1 for the high-frequency band as well as in
% experiment 2 for the mid-high-frequency band. Additionally,
% a significant weight change from pre- to posttest was
% observed for the ITD group in experiment 1 for the mid-low-
% frequency band at 9 deg azimuth as well as in experiment 2 at
% 39 deg azimuth.
% Additional info about the data:
% 'wILD_exp1' ILD weights of experiment 1
% - first dimension: azimuth (3, 9, 15, 21 deg)
% - second dimension: frequency band / testing time (multiband
% pretest, low pretest, mid-low pretest,
% mid-high pretest, high pretest, multi
% posttest, low posttest, mid-low posttest,
% mid-high posttest, high posttest)
% - third dimension: subject (odd numbers belong to ITD group,
% even numbers belong to ILD group)
% 'wILD_exp2' ILD weights of experiment 2
% - first dimension: azimuth (3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39 deg)
% - second dimension: frequency band / testing time (mid-low
% pretest, mid-high pretest, mid-low
% posttest, mid-high posttest)
% - third dimension: subject (odd numbers belong to ITD group,
% even numbers belong to ILD group)
% Examples:
% ---------
% To display Fig.3 use :::
% exp_klingel2022('fig3');
% To display Fig.4 use :::
% exp_klingel2022('fig4');
% See also: data_klingel2022
% AUTHOR: Maike Klingel, Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
% adapted for AMT by Clara Hollomey
definput.flags.type = {'missingflag','fig3','fig4'};
[flags,~] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
wILD1 = amt_load('klingel2022', 'wILD_exp1.mat', 'wILD_exp1');
wILD_exp1 = wILD1.wILD_exp1;
wILD2 = amt_load('klingel2022', 'wILD_exp2.mat', 'wILD_exp2');
wILD_exp2 = wILD2.wILD_exp2;
if flags.do_fig3
hold on
errorbar((1:4)-.02,nanmean(permute(nanmean(wILD_exp1(:,2:5,:)),[3 2 1])),(nanstd(permute(nanmean(wILD_exp1(:,2:5,:)),[3 2 1])))/sqrt(19),'bo-','MarkerFaceColor','b','LineWidth',1.5,'CapSize',8,'MarkerSize',7);
errorbar((2:3)+.02,nanmean(permute(nanmean(wILD_exp2(1:4,1:2,:)),[3 2 1])),(nanstd(permute(nanmean(wILD_exp2(1:4,1:2,:)),[3 2 1])))/sqrt(20),'r^-','MarkerFaceColor','r','LineWidth',1.5,'CapSize',8,'MarkerSize',7);
errorbar(2.5,nanmean(permute(nanmean(wILD_exp1(:,1,:)),[3 2 1])),(nanstd(permute(nanmean(wILD_exp1(:,1,:)),[3 2 1])))/sqrt(19),'bo','MarkerFaceColor','b','LineWidth',1.5,'CapSize',8,'MarkerSize',7);
title('Mean ILD Weights Pretest','FontSize',18.7);
ylabel('ILD Weight','FontSize',18.7);
ylim([0 1]);
xlim([.8 4.2]);
xticks([1 2 2.5 3 4]);
%legend('Experiment 1','Experiment 2','location','northwest','FontSize',15.3,'EdgeColor','none');
legend('Experiment 1','Experiment 2','location','northwest');
if flags.do_fig4
for group=1:2
for band=1:5
if band==1
hold on
errorbar((3:6:21)+.5,nanmean(wILD_exp1(:,band,group:2:end),3),permute(nanstd(permute(wILD_exp1(:,band,group:2:end),[3 2 1])),[3 2 1])/sqrt(sum(~isnan(wILD_exp1(1,band,group:2:end)))),'bo-','MarkerFaceColor','b','LineWidth',1,'CapSize',6,'MarkerSize',5)
errorbar((3:6:21)-.25,nanmean(wILD_exp1(:,band+5,group:2:end),3),permute(nanstd(permute(wILD_exp1(:,band+5,group:2:end),[3 2 1])),[3 2 1])/sqrt(sum(~isnan(wILD_exp1(1,band,group:2:end)))),'bo--','MarkerFaceColor','w','LineWidth',1,'CapSize',6,'MarkerSize',5)
xlim([0 45]);
xlabel('Azimuth (deg)','FontSize',9.9);
ylim([0 1]);
ylabel('ILD Weight','FontSize',9.9);
if group==1
if band==1
for band=1:2
hold on
errorbar((3:6:39)+.25,nanmean(wILD_exp2(:,band,group:2:end),3),permute(nanstd(permute(wILD_exp2(:,band,group:2:end),[3 2 1])),[3 2 1])/sqrt(sum(~isnan(wILD_exp2(1,band,group:2:end)))),'r^-','MarkerFaceColor','r','LineWidth',1,'CapSize',6,'MarkerSize',5)
errorbar((3:6:39)-.75,nanmean(wILD_exp2(:,band+2,group:2:end),3),permute(nanstd(permute(wILD_exp2(:,band+2,group:2:end),[3 2 1])),[3 2 1])/sqrt(sum(~isnan(wILD_exp2(1,band+2,group:2:end)))),'r^--','MarkerFaceColor','w','LineWidth',1,'CapSize',6,'MarkerSize',5)
for panel=1:10
hold on
plot([0 45],[.5 .5],'k--')
%legend('Experiment 1 Pretest','Experiment 1 Posttest','Experiment 2 Pretest','Experiment 2 Posttest','location','north','EdgeColor','none','FontSize',8.1);
legend('Experiment 1 Pretest','Experiment 1 Posttest','Experiment 2 Pretest','Experiment 2 Posttest','location','north','EdgeColor','none');