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function output = joergensen2011(x,y,fs_input,IO_param)
%JOERGENSEN2011 Speech-based envelope power spectrum (EPSM)
% Usage: output = joergensen2011(x,y,fs_input,IO_param)
% Input parameters:
% x : noisy speech mixture
% y : noise alone
% fs : sample rate in Hz
% IO_param : (optional) vector with parameters for the ideal observer
% that converts the SNRenv to probability of correct, assuming a
% given speech material. It contains four parameters of the ideal observer
% formatted as [k q m sigma_s].
% Output parameters:
% output : struct containing the SNRenv and the probability of correct given the
% SNRenv. This field is only included if IO_param is specified.
% Its calculation requires the Statistics ToolBox.
% output = JOERGENSEN2011(x,y,fs_input,IO_param) returns the output of
% signal-to-noise envelope-power (SNRenv) ratio using the
% multi-resolution speech-based envelope spectrum model (mr-sEPSM)
% described in Joergensen et al. (2013)
% The model consists of the following stages:
% 1 A gammatone bandpass filterbank to simulate the auditory filters
% 2 An envelope extraction stage via the Hilbert Transform
% 3 A modulation filterbank
% 4 Computation of the long-term envelope power (*output.SNRenv*)
% 5 A decision mechanism based on a statistically ideal observer (*output.P_correct*)
% See also: joergensen2013 demo_joergensen2013 data_joergensen2011 sig_joergensen2011
% plot_joergensen2011 joergensen2011_overlapadd3
% joergensen2011_sim joergensen2011_pctodsrt joergensen2011_sepsub
% joergensen2011_multchansnrenv joergensen2011_combineinformation
% joergensen2013_sim exp_joergensen2011
% References:
% S. Joergensen and T. Dau. Predicting speech intelligibility based on
% the signal-to-noise envelope power ratio after modulation-frequency
% selective processing. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130(3):1475--1487, 2011.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Submitted
% #StatusCode: Submitted
% #Verification: Untrusted
% #Requirements: M-Signal M-Stats
% #Author: Peter L. Sondergaard (2014)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
if nargin < 3
error('Too few input arguments.');
if length(x)~=length(y)
error('x and y should have the same length');
% initialization
x = x(:)'; % Noisy speech row vector
y = y(:)'; % Noise alone speech row vector
fs = 22050;
cf_aud = [63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000]; % centerfrequencies of the gammatone filters
cf_mod = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 ];% centerfrequencies of the modulation filters
HT_diffuse = [37.5 31.5 26.5 22.1 17.9 14.4 11.4 8.4 5.8 3.8 2.1 1.0 0.8 1.9 0.5 -1.5 -3.1 -4.0 -3.8 -1.8 2.5 6.8 ]; % Diffuse field hearing threshold in quiet: ISO 389-7:2005
if fs_input ~= fs
x = resample(x, fs, fs_input);
y = resample(y, fs, fs_input);
N = length(x);
%% Filtering through gammatone filterbank
g = gammatonefir(cf_aud,fs,'complex');
X = 2*real(ufilterbank(x,g,1));
Y = 2*real(ufilterbank(y,g,1));
%% ------------------ determining which frequency bands that are above
%% the hearing threshold.
% The spectrum levels (in SPL) of the stimuli are determined from a 1/3-octave analysis, since the threshold to compare with
% is spectrum levels.
mix_rms = thirdOctRMSAnalysis(x,fs,cf_aud);
mixRMS_dB = 20*log10(mix_rms);
bands = find(mixRMS_dB>HT_diffuse(1:length(cf_aud))); % The bands to process further are the bands where the mix has spectrum levels above the hearing threshold.
%% ------------------ calculating envelopes of temporal outputs
% lowpass filtering at 150 Hz
[bb, aa] = butter(1, 150*2/fs);
x_env = zeros(N,length(cf_aud));
y_env = zeros(N,length(cf_aud));
x_env(:,bands) = abs(hilbert(X(:,bands))); % envelope
y_env(:,bands) = abs(hilbert(Y(:,bands)));
x_env = filter(bb,aa,x_env);
y_env = filter(bb,aa,y_env);
D = 10;
fsNew = fs/D;
x_env = resample(x_env,fsNew,fs);
y_env = resample(y_env,fsNew,fs);
SNRenv_n_p = zeros(length(cf_mod),length(cf_aud));
%% ----------------- Analysis via modulation filterbank
P_env_xx = zeros(length(cf_mod),length(cf_aud));
P_env_yy = P_env_xx;
for p = bands% For every audio channel
P_env_xx(:,p) = modFbank_v2(x_env(:,p),fsNew,cf_mod);
P_env_yy(:,p) = modFbank_v2(y_env(:,p),fsNew,cf_mod);
if sum(sum(isnan(P_env_xx(:,p))))
P_env_xx(isnan(P_env_xx(:,p)),n,p) = 0;
if sum(sum(isnan(P_env_yy(:,p))))
P_env_yy(isnan(P_env_yy(:,p)),n,p) = 0;
P_env_yy(:,p) = min(P_env_xx(:,p),P_env_yy(:,p)); % The envelope power of the noise is the minimum of Penv of the mixture
% or the noise.
threshold = 0.01; % The envelope power cannot go below 0.001 (-30 dB) reflecting
% our minimum threshold of sensitivity to modulation detection
P_env_yy(:,p) = max( P_env_yy(:,p),threshold);
P_env_xx(:,p)= max(P_env_xx(:,p),threshold);
SNRenvs_tmp = (P_env_xx(:,p)-P_env_yy(:,p)) ./P_env_yy(:,p); % calculation of SNRenv
SNRenv_n_p(:,p) = max(0.001,SNRenvs_tmp); % Truncated at -30 dB for numerical reasons.
% ----------------- Integrating the SNRenv across audio and modulation bands---------------------------------------------------
SNRenv_p = sqrt(sum(SNRenv_n_p.^2,1)); % Combine across modulation filters: %SNRenv(p) eq. (4)
SNRenv = (sqrt(sum(SNRenv_p.^2)));% Combine across audio filters: eq. (5)
output.SNRenv = SNRenv;
if nargin < 4
elseif nargin < 5
P_correct = IdealObserver_v1(SNRenv,IO_param);
output.P_correct = P_correct;
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function y = rms(x)
L = length(x);
function rms_out = thirdOctRMSAnalysis(x,fs,midfreq)
if nargin<3
midfreq=[63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 ];
N = length(x);
X = (fft(x));
X_mag = abs(X) ;
X_power = X_mag.^2/N ;% power spectrum.
X_power_pos = X_power(1:fix(N/2)+1) ;
X_power_pos(2:end) = X_power_pos(2:end).* (2) ; %take positive frequencies only and mulitply by two-squared to get the same total energy(used since the integration is only performed for positive freqiencies)
freq= linspace(0,fs/2,length(X_power_pos));
%resolution of data
%cross-over indicies
%rounding up
for n=1:length(y)
if crosselem(n)<y(n)
rms_out(1:length(midfreq)) = 0;
while crossfreq(nn+1)<=freq(end)% for nn =1:length(crossfreq)-1
rms_out(nn) = sqrt(sum(X_power_pos(crosselem(nn):crosselem(nn+1)-1))/N);
if 1+nn > length(crossfreq)
function P_env = modFbank_v2(Env,fs,cf_mod)
% This function is an implementation of a modulation filterbank similar to the EPSM-filterbank
% as presented by Ewert & Dau 2000. This implementation consists of a lowpass
% filter with a cutoff at 1 Hz, in parallel with 8 bandpass filters with
% octave spacing. the Center-frequencies of the bandpass filters are lower
% than the original from Ewert & Dau (2000).
% Inputs:
% Env: The envelope to be filtered
% fs: sampling frequency of the envelope
% cf_mod: centerfrequencies of the modulation filters
% Outputs:
% P_env: Envelope power for each of the modulation filters
% Created by Søren Jørgensen jan 2010
% last update 02 may 2014
% Copyright Søren Jørgensen
if nargin<3
%band center frequencies
cf_mod=[1 2 4 8 16 32 64];
if size(Env,1) > 1
Env = Env';
if mod(length( Env),2) == 0
%number is even
Env = Env(1:end-1);
%number is odd
Q = 1;
N = length(Env);
X = fft(Env);
X_mag = abs(X) ;
X_power = X_mag.^2/N ;% power spectrum.
X_power_pos = X_power(1:fix(N/2)+1) ;
X_power_pos(2:end) = X_power_pos(2:end).* (2) ; %take positive frequencies only and mulitply by two-squared to get the same total energy(used since the integration is only performed for positive freqiencies)
pos_freqs= linspace(0,fs/2,length(X_power_pos));
freqs = [pos_freqs -1*fliplr(pos_freqs(2:end))];
% Initialize transfer function
TFs = zeros(length(cf_mod),length(freqs));
% Calculating frequency-domain transferfunction for each center frequency:
for k = 2:length(cf_mod)
TFs(k,1:end) = 1./(1+ (1j*Q*(freqs(1:end)./cf_mod(k) - cf_mod(k)./freqs(1:end)))); % p287 Hambley.
% squared filter magnitude transfer functions
Wcf = (abs(TFs)).^2;
fcut = 1;% cutoff frequency of lowpassfilter:
n = 3;% order:
% Lowpass filter squared transfer function:
Wcf(1,:) = 1./(1+((2*pi*freqs/(2*pi*fcut)).^(2*n))); % third order butterworth filter TF from:
% ------------ DC-power, --------------------------
% %here devided by two such that a fully modulated tone has an AC-power of 1.
DC_power = X_power_pos(1)/ N /2;
X_power_pos = repmat(X_power_pos,length(cf_mod),1);
Vout = X_power_pos.*Wcf(:,1:floor(end/2)+1);
% Integration estimated as a sum from f > 0
% integrate envelope power in the
% passband of the filter. Index goes from 2:end since
P_env = sum(Vout(:,2:end),2)/ N / DC_power;
% integration is for f>0
function Pcorrect = IdealObserver_v1(SNRenv_lin,parameters)
% IdealObserver: Converts the overall SNRenv to percent correct.
% Usage: [Pcorrect SNRenv ] = IdealObserver(SNRenv_lin,parameters)
% SNRenv_lin : vector with the SNRenv values (not in dB) for each input SNR
% Parameters : vector with the parameters for the ideal Observer formatted as [k q m sigma_s]
% Søren Jørgensen august 2010
% last update 10-June 2013
% Copyright Søren Jørgensen
if nargin < 2
error('You have to specify the k,q,m,sigma_s parameters for the IdealObserver')
k = parameters(1);
q = parameters(2);
m = parameters(3);
sigma_s = parameters(4);
% ---------- Converting from SNRenv to d_prime --------------
d_prime = k*(SNRenv_lin).^q;
%----------- Converting from d_prime to Percent correct, Green and Birdsall (1964)----------
Un = 1*norminv(1-(1/m));
mn = Un + (.577 /Un);% F^(-1)[1/n] Basically gives the value that would be drawn from a normal destribution with probability p = 1/n.
sig_n= 1.28255/Un;
Pcorrect = normcdf(d_prime,mn,sqrt(sigma_s.^2+sig_n.^2))*100;
% Green, D. M. and Birdsall, T. G. (1964). "The effect of vocabulary size",
% In Signal Detection and Recognition by Human Observers,
% edited by John A. Swets (John Wiley & Sons, New York)