This documentation page applies to an outdated AMT version (1.5.0). Click here for the most recent page.
This is the most complete, and up-to-date description of the AMT. This documentation is directly included in the M-files and it is auto-generated for this website. Because of the automatic generation, the appearance on the website may suffer some details. Note that the current status of the models can be found in the section Models at this website.
Download the AMT full package, which provides all third-party toolboxes, start the AMT with amt_start and compile the binaries with amt_mex. To stop the session, use amt_stop which removes the added paths and resets the configuration.
Note that the installation can be also done by calling amt_start('install'), which downloads the third-party toolboxes (if missing) and triggers compilation of the binaries.
Matlab 2018b (or more recent) or Octave 8.2 (or more recent). Further, the large time-frequency analysis toolbox (LTFAT) is essential. It will be downloaded and installed by amt_start on the fly if not available on the system. Note that because of a bug in Octave 8.2.0 (or older) on Windows, Octave needs to be installed in a directory path without blanks.
The model-specific requirements are as follows:
The AMT is a MULTIPLE-licenses software: Most of the files are licensed under the GPL version 3.0, but some files are licensed differently. Each file contains a separate license boilerplate showing the actual license. For models being NOT under GPL3, the boilerplate is displayed on their first run. If no license message is displayed, the model is licensed under the GPL3. The information about the license of a model can be shown by amt_info.