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function data = data_baumgartner2013(varargin)
%DATA_BAUMGARTNER2013 Data from Baumgartner et al. (2013)
% Usage: data = data_baumgartner2013(flag)
% DATA_BAUMGARTNER2013(flag) returns data of the table or
% the pool of listener-specific models from Baumgartner et al. (2013)
% describing a model for sound localization in sagittal planes (SPs)
% on the basis of listener-specific directional transfer functions (DTFs).
% The flag may be one of:
% 'tab1' Calibration data for listener pool listed in Table 1. The
% output contains the following fields: id, u, goupell10 and
% walder10*
% 'pool' DTFs and calibration data of the pool. The output contains the
% following fields: id, u, goupell10, walder10, fs*
% and Obj.
% 'ari' OBSOLETE. DTFs and calibration data of the pool. The output contains the
% following fields: id, u, goupell10, walder10, dtfs,
% fs and pos.
% The fields in the output contains the following information
% .id listener ID
% .u listener-specific uncertainty
% .goupell10 boolean flag indicating whether listener
% participated in Goupell et al. (2010)
% .walder10 boolean flag indicating whether listener
% participated in Walder (2010)
% .dtfs OBSOLETE. matrix containing DTFs.
% Dimensions: time, position, channel
% (more details see doc: HRTF format)
% .fs sampling rate of impulse responses
% .pos OBSOLETE. source-position matrix referring to
% 2nd dimension of hM and formated acc.
% to meta.pos (ARI format).
% 6th col: lateral angle
% 7th col: polar angle
% .Obj DTF data in SOFA Format
% Requirements:
% -------------
% 1) SOFA API from for Matlab (in e.g. thirdparty/SOFA)
% 2) Data in auxdata/baumgartner2013
% Examples:
% ---------
% To get calibration data of pool of listener-specific models, use:
% data_baumgartner2013('tab1');
% To get all listener-specific data of the pool, use:
% data_baumgartner2013('pool');
% See also: baumgartner2013, exp_baumgartner2013
% References:
% R. Baumgartner. Modeling sagittal-plane sound localization with the
% application to subband-encoded head related transfer functions.
% Master's thesis, University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, June
% 2012.
% R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Assessment of Sagittal-Plane
% Sound Localization Performance in Spatial-Audio Applications,
% chapter 4, pages 93--119. Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2013.
% Url:
% #Author: Robert Baumgartner
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% TODO: explain Data in description;
%% ------ Check input options --------------------------------------------
% Define input flags
definput.flags.type = {'missingflag','tab1','pool'};
definput.flags.HRTFformat = {'sofa','ari'};
% Parse input options
[flags,keyvals] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
%% Table 1 (model calibration)
if flags.do_tab1 || flags.do_pool
listeners={ ...
'NH12' 1.6 true true; ...
'NH15' 2.0 true true; ...
'NH21' 1.8 true false; ...
'NH22' 2.0 true false; ...
'NH33' 2.3 true false; ...
'NH39' 2.3 true true; ...
'NH41' 3.0 true false; ...
'NH42' 1.8 true false; ...
'NH43' 1.9 false true; ...
'NH46' 1.8 false true; ...
'NH55' 2.0 false true; ...
'NH58' 1.4 false true; ...
'NH62' 2.2 false true; ...
'NH64' 2.1 false true; ...
'NH68' 2.1 false true; ...
'NH71' 2.1 false true; ...
'NH72' 2.2 false true; ...
f={'id', 'u', 'goupell10', 'walder10'};
if flags.do_tab1
amt_disp('Note that NH68 and NH69 are the same.');
%% Listener pool (listener-specific SP-DTFs)
if flags.do_pool % load also DTFs of SPs
% sort acc. to ascending exp. PE
data = data([12,1,10,3,14,16,8,9,4,2,7,15,17,5,11,6,13]);
if flags.do_ari
error('Obsolete format of HRTFs. Data format not supported anymore');
% hpath = which('hrtfinit'); % find local path of hrtf repository
% hpath = hpath(1:end-10);
% sl = hpath(end); % slash sign (OS dependent)
% if exist([hpath 'hrtf_M_baumgartner2013'],'dir') ~= 7
% fprintf([' Sorry! Before you can run this script, you have to download the HRTF Database from \n , \n unzip it, and move it into your HRTF repository \n ' hpath ' .\n' ' Then, press any key to quit pausing. \n'])
% pause
% end
% hpath = [hpath sl 'hrtf_M_baumgartner2013' sl];
% for ii = 1:length(data)
% load([hpath 'hrtf_M_baumgartner2013 ' data(ii).id])
% data(ii).fs = stimPar.SamplingRate;
% data(ii).pos = meta.pos;
% data(ii).dtfs = double(hM);
% end
if flags.do_sofa
for ii = 1:length(data)
fn=['ARI_' data(ii).id '_hrtf_M_dtf 256.sofa'];
data(ii).Obj = amt_load('baumgartner2013',fn);
data(ii).fs = data(ii).Obj.Data.SamplingRate;