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%DEMO_LYON2011 excitation patterns of the CARFAC model
% This script generates a tone at 30 dB SPL and feeds it to the cascade of
% asymmetric resonators with fast-acting compression (CARFAC) model. The
% excitation pattern is formed by taking the RMS of the output channels.
% Figure 1: The response at channel 16 to a 4-kHz tone at 30 dB SPL
% Figure 2: The excitation pattern in response to a 4-kHz tone at 30 dB SPL
% See also: lyon2011
% References:
% R. F. Lyon. Cascades of two-pole–two-zero asymmetric resonators are
% good models of peripheral auditory function. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
% 130(6), 2011.
% Url:
% #Author: Amin Saremi, PhD. (
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2021)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
CF = lyon2011_design; % The defauls parameter designs are here
CF_struct = lyon2011_init(CF); % This initializes all the states for the CARFACT
% The following determines the lowest and highest frequencies and the
% position-frequency relation of the channels
Fhigh= CF_struct.pole_freqs(1);
[ Pos,CF_CARFAC ] = f2bmdistance( Flow,Fhigh,N );
%% Create the stimuli: a 100ms-long tone at 4 kHz and 30 dB SPL
Fs= 22050; % this is the default. You can change it by calling the CarfacDesign function.
T= 0.1; % 100 ms length
fsig = 4000;
level = 20e-6.* SPL.^(10/20); % 30 dB SPL
sig = sin(2*pi*fsig.*t) * level;
[ sig ] = fade( sig,t_fade,Fs ); % ramp the signal for 10 ms
% to minimize the spectral splatter effect.
% Now feed the signal into the model.
%[CF, decim_naps, naps, BM, ohc, agc] = lyonC2011(CF_struct,sig',0,1);
[CF, decim_naps, naps, BM, ohc, agc] = lyon2011(sig', CF_struct);
% Now plot the CARFAC output at the channel corresponding to CF of 4 kHz
if fsig==4000
title('The CARFAC response at channel 16 (CF=4kHz) to a 4-kHz tone');
xlabel('Time [s]');
%% Illustare the Excitation Pattern (pre-assumption: The channels are not distorted).
% calculate the RMS of the output (steady state) for all channels
for i=1: CF_struct.n_ch
plot(Pos, db(norm_Fr));
title('The Excitation Pattern in response to 4-kHz tone at 30 dB SPL');
xlabel('Cochlear location [0=Base; 1=Apex]')
ylabel('Normalized RMS energy');
%% physiological data (Ren,2002)%C.H. I don't think this works as intended
%data_ren = data_lyon2011('ren2002');
%hold on,
%hold on
%legend('CARFAC','Physiological Data: Ren(2002)');