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function [E,varargout] = baumgartner2021( target,template,varargin )
%BAUMGARTNER2021 Sound externalization based on multiple static cues
% Usage: [E,cues,cueLabels] = baumgartner2021( target,template )
% Input parameters:
% target : binaural impulse response(s) referring to the directional
% transfer function(s) (DFTs) of the target sound(s).
% Option 1: given in SOFA format -> sagittal plane DTFs will
% be extracted internally.
% Option 2: binaural impulse responses of all available
% listener-specific DTFs of the sagittal plane formatted
% according to the following matrix dimensions:
% time x direction x channel/ear
% template: binaural impulse responses of all available
% listener-specific DTFs of the sagittal plane referring to
% the perceived lateral angle of the target sound.
% Options 1 & 2 equivalent to target.
% Output parameters:
% E : predicted degree of externalization
% cues : outcomes of individual cues
% cueLabels : cue labels; cell array with 1st col. denoting acronyms
% and 2nd col. for descriptions
% BAUMGARTNER2021(...) is a model framework for auditory
% externalization perception. It enables to probe the contribution of
% cue-specific expectation errors and to contrast dynamic versus static
% strategies for combining those errors within static listening environments.
% BAUMGARTNER2021 accepts the following optional parameters:
% 'cueWeights',cW Set the weights of individual cues to determine the final externalization score.
% Cue-specific weights (entered as a vector) are ordered as follows:
% 1 monaural spectral similarity (MSS)
% 2 interaural spectral similarity of ILDs (ISS)
% 3 spectral standard deviation of monaural gradients (MSSD)
% 4 spectral standard deviation of ILDs (ISSD)
% 5 interaural broadband time-intensity coherence (ITIT)
% 6 interaural coherence (IC)
% 7 monaural intensity difference (MI)
% 8 temporal standard deviation of ILDs (ITSD).
% Default weights are 0.6 for MSS, 0.4 for ISS, and 0 for all others.
% 'S',S Set the cue-specific sensitivity parameter to S.
% 1/S represents the slope of sigmoidal mapping
% function.
% Vector order equivalent to cueWeights.
% Default values are determined by the weighted average
% sensitivities determined in Baumgartner and Majdak
% (2020) - run exp_baumgartner2021('tab2') to show them.
% 'lat',lat Set the apparent lateral angle of the target sound to
% lat. Default value is 0 degree (median SP).
% 'range',c1 Set the range factor of the externalization scores to c1.
% Default value is 3.78 from Hassager et al. (2016).
% 'offset',c2 Set the offset of the externalization score to c2.
% Default value is 1 from Hassager et al. (2016).
% 'ILD_JND',L Set the just noticeable ILD difference to L from the
% internal template. Default value is 1 (dB).
% 'ITD_JND',T Set the just noticeable ITD difference to T from the
% internal template. Default value is 20e-6 (s).
% BAUMGARTNER2021 accepts the following flags:
% 'LTA' Looser-takes-all strategy: Model selects minimal
% predicted externalization scores across cues with
% weights larger than zero.
% 'MTA' Median-takes-all strategy: Model selects median
% predicted externalization scores across cues with
% weights larger than zero.
% 'WTA' Winner-takes-all strategy: Model selects maximal
% predicted externalization scores across cues with
% weights larger than zero.
% Requirements:
% -------------
% 1) SOFA API from for Matlab (in e.g. thirdparty/SOFA)
% 3) Circular Statistics Toolbox from
% See also: baumgartner2021_mapping,
% baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis, baumgartner2016_gradientextraction,
% baumgartner2014_binauralweighting demo_baumgartner2021 baumgartner2014
% li2020 baumgartner2016
% References:
% R. Baumgartner and P. Majdak. Decision making in auditory
% externalization perception: model predictions for static conditions.
% Acta Acustica, 5:59, 2021. Publisher: EDP Sciences. [1].html ]
% References
% 1.
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Perfect
% #StatusCode: Perfect
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: SOFA M-Stats O-Statistics
% #Author: Robert Baumgartner (2021), Acoustics Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
%% Check input
flags.do_plot = false;
if not(isstruct(target)) && ismatrix(target)
target = permute(target,[1,3,2]);
if not(isstruct(template)) && ismatrix(template)
template = permute(template,[1,3,2]);
%% Print Settings
if flags.do_print
if flags.do_nomrs
kv.mrsmsp = 0;
amt_disp(['Settings: PSGE = ' num2str(,'%1.0f') '; Gamma = ' ...
num2str(kv.gamma,'%1.0u') '; Epsilon = ' num2str(kv.mrsmsp,'%1.0f') ' deg']);
%% Determine lateral angle and extract HRTFs of sagittal plane
if isstruct(target) % Targets given in SOFA format
kv.fs = target.Data.SamplingRate;
[target,~] = extractsp(,target );
if isstruct(template) % Template given in SOFA format
[template,~] = extractsp(,template );
%% Optional: Middle ear filtering
if flags.do_middleEarFilter
target = filter(b,1,target);
template = filter(b,1,template);
%% Optional: HRTF filtering
dimtar = size(target); % for lconv dim check
if not(isempty(kv.stim))
target = lconv(target,kv.stim);
% check that lconv preserved matrix dimensions (earlier bug in lconv)
if size(target,2) ~= dimtar(2)
target = reshape(target,[size(target,1),dimtar(2:end)]);
%% Level difference
MI = dbspl(target) - dbspl(template);
MI = abs(MI);
MI(abs(MI)<kv.ILD_JND) = 0;
MI = MI./dbspl(template);
MI = baumgartner2014_binauralweighting(MI,'argimport',flags,kv); % Eq. 1
%% ITD & IC
[tem.itd,~,tem.iacc] = itdestimator(shiftdim(template,1),'fs',kv.fs,'MaxIACCe');
[tar.itd,~,tar.iacc] = itdestimator(shiftdim(target,1),'fs',kv.fs,'MaxIACCe');
for ipos = 1:size(template,2)
tem.ic(ipos) = baumgartner2017_iacc(squeeze(template(:,ipos,:)),'argimport',flags,kv);
for ipos = 1:size(target,2)
tar.ic(ipos) = baumgartner2017_iacc(squeeze(target(:,ipos,:)),'argimport',flags,kv);
IC = abs(tar.ic-tem.ic) ./ tem.ic; % Eq. 2
%% Filterbank
[,fc] = baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(template,70,'argimport',flags,kv,'tiwin',size(template,1)*kv.fs,'gammatone','redo'); = baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(target,70,'argimport',flags,kv,'tiwin',size(target,1)*kv.fs,'gammatone','redo');
%% interaural temporal SD of ILDs (Catic et al., 2015)
MinNumTimeFrames = 20;
if size(,5) >= MinNumTimeFrames && size(,5) >= MinNumTimeFrames
tem.STild = -diff(,1,3); % short-term ILDs
tar.STild = -diff(,1,3);
ITSD = 1 - mean(std(tar.STild,0,5)./std(tem.STild,0,5));
ITSD = nan(size(IC));
%% Echo suppression
if isscalar(kv.reflectionOnsetTime) % evaluate only direct path (DP)
idDP = round(kv.reflectionOnsetTime*kv.fs);
N1ms = round(1e-3*kv.fs); % 1 ms fade out
taper = [ones(1,idDP-N1ms) , 0.5*(1+cos(linspace(0,pi,N1ms)))];
temTaper = repmat([taper(:);zeros(size(template,1)-idDP,1)],...
tarTaper = repmat([taper(:);zeros(size(target,1)-idDP,1)],...
[,fc] = baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(temTaper.*template,70,... % or save to
'argimport',flags,kv,'tiwin',kv.tempWin,'gammatone','redo'); = baumgartner2016_spectralanalysis(tarTaper.*target,70,... % or save to
if flags.do_plot
for ear = 1:2
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('RMS magnitude (dB)')
hold on
%% Spectral cues
tem.psg = baumgartner2016_gradientextraction(,fc,'mgs',1,flags.gradients);
tem.ild = diff(,1,3);
tar.psg = baumgartner2016_gradientextraction(,fc,'mgs',1,flags.gradients);
tar.ild = diff(,1,3);
%% Spectral comparison
MSSD = abs(std(tar.psg.m)-std(tem.psg.m))./std(tem.psg.m);
MSSD = baumgartner2014_binauralweighting(MSSD,'argimport',flags,kv);
ISSD = abs(std(tar.ild)-std(tem.ild))./std(tem.ild);
for iSC = 1:2 % first monaural then interaural
if iSC == 1 % monaural spectral gradients
tem.nrep = tem.psg.m;
tar.nrep = tar.psg.m;
elseif iSC == 2 % interaural spectral differences
tem.nrep = tem.ild;
tar.nrep = tar.ild;
% comparison with time average of spectral template
targetprofile = {tar.nrep};
if flags.do_dprime
targetprofile{2} = tem.nrep;
tem.nrep = mean(tem.nrep,5);
d_cue = cell(length(targetprofile),1);
for inrep = 1:length(targetprofile)
templateprofile = repmat(tem.nrep,[1,1,1,1,size(targetprofile{inrep},5)]);
delta = abs(templateprofile-targetprofile{inrep});
delta(delta < kv.ILD_JND) = 0; % limit minimum ILD difference according to JND
d_cue{inrep} = mean(delta./(eps+abs(templateprofile))); % Eq. (4)
if iSC == 1 % do_intraaural
d_cue{inrep} = baumgartner2014_binauralweighting(d_cue{inrep},'argimport',flags,kv); % Eq. 7
% temporal integration
if flags.do_dprime % signal detection theory applied to time histograms
% figure; histogram(sigma{1}); hold on ; histogram(sigma{2}); legend('target','reference')
allsigma = [d_cue{1}(:);d_cue{2}(:)];
msigma = mean(allsigma);
sdsigma = std(allsigma);
mzsigma(1) = mean((d_cue{1}-msigma) ./ sdsigma);
mzsigma(2) = mean((d_cue{2}-msigma) ./ sdsigma);
dprime = max(mzsigma(1)-mzsigma(2),0);
distmetric = dprime;
elseif size(d_cue{1},5) == 1
distmetric = d_cue{1};
else % temporal weighting according to amount of sensory information available
tweight = mean(mean(abs(tar.nrep)),3); % temporal weighting
tweight = tweight-min(tweight,[],5); % bounded between 0
tweight = 2*tweight./max(tweight,[],5); % and 2
distmetric = d_cue{1}.*tweight;
distmetric = mean(distmetric,5);
if iSC == 1
MSS = distmetric; % monaural spectral distance
elseif iSC == 2
ISS = distmetric; % interaural spectral distance
%% Interaural time-intenstiy coherence (ITIC) -> dprime possible
ITR = tar.itd./(eps+tem.itd) -1; % Eq. 5a
ITR(abs(tar.itd - tem.itd) < kv.ITD_JND) = 0;
ILR = mean(tar.ild)./(mean(tem.ild)+eps) -1; % Eq. 5b
ILR(any(abs(mean(tar.ild) - mean(tem.ild)) < kv.ILD_JND,1)) = 0;
ITIT = abs( ITR - ILR(:) )'; % Eq. 5(a+b)
%% Cue integration/weighting
cueLbl = {'MSS',['Monaural ',flags.gradients,' spectral gradients (c.f., Baumgartner et al., 2014)']; ...
'ISS','Interaural spectral shape (c.f., Hassager et al., 2016)'; ...
'MSSD',['Spectral SD of monaural ',flags.gradients,' spectral gradients (c.f., Baumgartner et al., 2014)']; ...
'ISSD','Spectral SD of interaural spectral differences (c.f., Georganti et al., 2013)'; ...
'ITIT','Interaural time-intensity trading (ITD vs. ILD)'; ...
'IC','Interaural coherence (c.f., Hassager et al., 2017)'; ...
'MI','Monaural intensity difference (target - reference)'; ...
'ITSD','Interaural temporal standard deviation (c.f., Catic et al., 2015)'; ...
if isscalar(kv.S)
kv.S = repmat(kv.S,[size(cues,1),1]);
kv.S = postpad(kv.S(:),size(cues,1));
E = baumgartner2021_mapping(cues,kv.S,kv.range,kv.offset); % Eq. 8
kv.cueWeights = postpad(kv.cueWeights(:),size(cues,1))/sum(kv.cueWeights);
if flags.do_LTA
E = nanmin(E(kv.cueWeights>0));
elseif flags.do_MTA
E = median(E(kv.cueWeights>0),'omitnan');
elseif flags.do_WTA
E = nanmax(E(kv.cueWeights>0));
elseif flags.do_fixedWeights || flags.do_WSM
E = nansum(kv.cueWeights .* E);
if nargout >= 2
varargout{1} = cues;
varargout{2} = cueLbl;