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function [outsig, fc, mfc, step] = king2019(insig,fs,varargin)
%KING2019 Modulation filterbank (based on nonlinear processing)
% Usage: outsig = king2019(insig,fs,basef)
% [outsig, fc, mfc, step] = king2019(insig,fs,varargin)
% [outsig, fc, mfc, step]= king2019(insig,fs,flow,fhigh,parameters)
% Input parameter:
% insig : input acoustic signal.
% fs : sampling rate (Hz).
% basef : base frequency of the analysis (Hz).
% Output parameters:
% outsig : output signal
% fc : center frequencies filterbank
% mfc : center frequencies modulation filterbank
% step : struct containing intermediate model outputs
% KING2019(insig,fs,'basef',basef) computes the internal representation
% around the frequency basef of the signal insig sampled with
% a frequency of fs Hz. outsig is a matrix of size [length fc mfc].
% [outsig,fc,mfc,step]=KING2019(...) additionally returns the
% centre frequencies of the filter bank and the center frequencies of the
% modulation filterbank, and 'steps' is a structure containing the
% intermediate model outputs.
% The model consists of the following stages:
% 1) a gammatone filter bank with 1-erb spaced filtes.
% 2) a compression (exponential or broken-stick) stage applied to each
% individual gammatone filter. In these stages is extremely relevant
% to use the correct calibration level (default is dboffset = 100), given
% that the keyval 'compression_knee_dB' is referenced to the dboffset.
% Note that if other dboffset values are used (e.g., dboffset=94 dB), the
% knee point will in fact start compressing at higher levels.
% 3) an envelope extraction stage done by half-wave rectification
% followed by low-pass filtering to 1500 Hz.
% 4) a simplified adaptation stage simulated as a first-order high-pass
% filter
% 5) a modulation filterbank
% Many parameters (keyvals) and flags can be optionally changed and/or
% switched
% References:
% A. King, L. Varnet, and C. Lorenzi. Accounting for masking of frequency
% modulation by amplitude modulation with the modulation filter-bank
% concept. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 145(2277), 2019.
% See also: auditoryfilterbank, ihcenvelope, king2019_modfilterbank
% demo_king2019 exp_osses2022 dau1996
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Perfect
% #StatusCode: Perfect
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: M-Signal
% #Author: Leo Varnet and Andrew King (2020) as king2019_preproc
% #Author: Alejandro Osses (2020) Further adaptations
% #Author: Clara Hollomey (2020) Adapted for AMT as king2019
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2021) Further adaptations to AMT 1.0
% #Author: Alejandro Osses (2023) Updated documentation
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% ------ Checking of input parameters ------------
if nargin<3
error('%s: Too few input arguments.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(insig)
error('%s: insig must be numeric.',upper(mfilename));
if ~isnumeric(fs) || ~isscalar(fs) || fs<=0
error('%s: fs must be a positive scalar.',upper(mfilename));
definput.import={'auditoryfilterbank','ihcenvelope','king2019'}; % load from arg_king2019
[flags,kv] = ltfatarghelper({'basef'},definput,varargin);
fc = [];
mfc = [];
if isempty(kv.flow) && isempty(kv.fhigh)
if isempty(kv.basef)
error('%s: Please specify the centre frequency of your analysis, type ''help %s''.',upper(mfilename),mfilename);
step_erb = 2;
if isempty(kv.flow)
kv.flow = floor(audtofreq(freqtoaud(kv.basef)-step_erb));
if isempty(kv.fhigh)
kv.fhigh = ceil(audtofreq(freqtoaud(kv.basef)+step_erb));
% ------ do the computation -------------------------
if nargout >= 4
step = [];
Nsamples = length(insig);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Filter bank stages:
if flags.do_afb
amt_disp(' Calculating the auditory filterbank...',flags.disp);
% 'Oldenburg' gammatone filterbank
[outsig, fc] = auditoryfilterbank(insig,fs,'argimport',flags,kv);
outsig = squeeze(outsig);
Nchannels = length(fc); % Number of auditory bands
Nsamples = size(outsig,1); % Number of samples per band
if flags.do_no_afb
amt_disp(' Auditory filterbank skipped',flags.disp);
outsig = insig;
if nargout >= 4
step.gtone_response = outsig;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- "Power" compression
% WARNING: below the kneepoint this option actually performs an *expansion*
% of the signal
if flags.do_compression_power
amt_disp(' Power compression...',flags.disp);
comp_n = kv.compression_n;
if length(comp_n) == 1
comp_n = comp_n*ones(1,Nchannels);
elseif length(comp_n) ~= Nchannels
error('%s: compression_n does not have the same number of channels as the output of the Gammatone Filterbank',upper(mfilename));
dBFS = kv.dboffset; % dB full scale
comp_knee = gaindb(1,kv.compression_knee_dB-dBFS);
outsig = sign(outsig).*abs(outsig/comp_knee).^(ones(Nsamples,1)*comp_n)*comp_knee;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- "Brockenstick" compression
if flags.do_compression_brokenstick
amt_disp(' Broken-stick compression...',flags.disp);
comp_n = kv.compression_n;
if length(comp_n)==1
comp_n = comp_n*ones(1,Nchannels);
elseif length(comp_n) ~= Nchannels
error('%s: compression_n does not have the same number of channels as the output of the Gammatone Filterbank',upper(mfilename));
dBFS = kv.dboffset; % dB full scale
comp_knee = gaindb(1,kv.compression_knee_dB-dBFS);
outsig = local_broken_stick(outsig,comp_knee,comp_n);
if nargout >= 4
step.compressed_response = outsig;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- 'haircell' envelope extraction
if (flags.do_ihc || flags.do_adt || flags.do_mfb) && ~flags.do_no_ihc
% do_ihc is forced to be done if do_ihc, do_adaptation, or do_mfb are
% active modules, EXCEPT that the user explicitly deactivated the module
% (do_no_ihc or do_noihc).
amt_disp(' Hair-cell envelope extraction',flags.disp);
outsig = ihcenvelope(outsig,fs,'argimport',flags,kv);
if nargout >= 4
step.ihc = outsig;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Adaptation by high-pass filtering
if flags.do_adt || flags.do_mfb && ~flags.do_no_adt
% do_adaptation is forced to be done if do_adaptation or do_mfb are active
% modules, EXCEPT that the user explicitly deactivated the module (do_no_adt).
amt_disp(' Adaptation by high-pass filtering',flags.disp);
adt_HP_fc = kv.adt_HP_fc;
adt_HP_order = kv.adt_HP_order;
[b,a] = butter(adt_HP_order,2*(adt_HP_fc/fs),'high');
if nargout >= 4
step.a_adapt_HP = a;
step.b_adapt_HP = b;
step.adapted_response = outsig;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Modulation filterbank
%%% Modulation filterbank
if flags.do_mfb
amt_disp(' Modulation filter bank',flags.disp);
% % Parameters modulation filter:
[outsig, mfc, step_mod] = king2019_modfilterbank(outsig, fs,'argimport',flags,kv);
if nargout >= 4
step.a_mfb = step_mod.a;
step.b_mfb = step_mod.b;
step.E_mod = step_mod.E_mod;
step.fmc = mfc;
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% --- Downsampling (of the internal representations)
% Apply final resampling to avoid excessive data
if ~isempty(kv.subfs) && flags.do_mfb
subfs = kv.subfs;
if subfs ~= fs
amt_disp([' Downsampling to ' num2str(subfs) ' Hz'],flags.disp);
% In case of downsampling:
outsig = fftresample(outsig,round(length(outsig)/fs*subfs));
% In case of no-resampling:
subfs = fs;
step.subfs = subfs;
function outsig = local_broken_stick(insig,comp_knee,comp_n)
% This function does the same as nltrans3.m from Stephan Ewert with no smoothing
Nchannels = size(insig,2);
outsig = insig;
for j = 1:Nchannels
if comp_n(j) ~= 1
idxs = find(abs(insig(:,j))>comp_knee);
outsig(idxs,j) = sign(insig(idxs,j)).*(abs(insig(idxs,j)).^comp_n(j) / comp_knee^comp_n(j) * comp_knee);