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function [delta,rHat] = may2011_interpolateparabolic(r, maxIdx)
%MAY2011_INTERPOLATEPARABOLIC Multi-channel parabolic interpolation
% Usage:
% [DELTA,MAXVAL] = may2011_interpolateparabolic(R,MAXIDX);
% Input parameters:
% R : detection function [nSamples x nChan]
% MAXIDX : initial maximum estimate (maximum argument(index) of R).
% Output parameters:
% DELTA : fractional part of maximum index [nIdx x 1] | [nChan x 1]
% RHAT : amplitude of estimated maximum [nIdx x 1] | [nChan x 1]
% In case R is single channel data, interpolation can be performed
% at multiple indices -> MAXIDX [nIdx x 1]. Otherwise, if nChannels > 1,
% interpolation is performed at one index per channel. So the dimension
% of MAXIDX must correspond to the number of channels in R -> MAXIDX [nChan x 1]
% Url:
% #StatusDoc: Good
% #StatusCode: Good
% #Verification: Unknown
% #Requirements: MATLAB M-Signal
% #Author: Tobias May (2014)
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
% Check for proper input arguments
if nargin ~= 2
error('Wrong number of input arguments!');
% Check dimension
if any(size(r) == 1)
% Ensure column vector
r = r(:);
% Ensure that t is a column vector
t = maxIdx(:);
% Determine size of r
[blockSize,nFrames] = size(r);
% Single/multi-channel modus
if isequal(nFrames,1)
% Process multiple maxima for single channel
delta = zeros(size(t,1),1);
% Set index shift to zero (only used for multi-channel input)
idxShift = delta;
% Check proper dimension
if size(t,1) ~= nFrames
error(['The second dimension of r must be identical to'...
' the dimension of t.'])
% Allocate memory
delta = zeros(nFrames,1);
% Offset to work vectorized with matrix indices
idxShift = (0:nFrames-1)' * blockSize;
% Check for valid indices and do not interpolate if the detected maximum is
% located at the edge of r
validIdx = t > 1 & t < blockSize;
% Three points around the maximum of r
rM1 = r(idxShift(validIdx) + t(validIdx) - 1);
rP0 = r(idxShift(validIdx) + t(validIdx) + 0);
rP1 = r(idxShift(validIdx) + t(validIdx) + 1);
% Parabolic interpolation to estimate fractional part of the maximum
delta(validIdx) = 0.5 * (rM1-rP1) ./ (rM1 - 2 * rP0 + rP1);
% Estimate amplitude
if nargout > 1
% Allocate memory
rHat = zeros(size(delta));
% Estimate height of peak
rHat(validIdx) = rP0 - 0.25 * (rM1-rP1) .* delta(validIdx);
% Use integer peak position for not valid indices (e.g. endpoints)
rHat(~validIdx) = r(idxShift(~validIdx) + t(~validIdx));
% ***********************************************************************
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% ***********************************************************************