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function stimulus = sig_kolarik2010(c_innerbw,c_flanking_phase,c_noise_mode,c_tone_level,c_itd,c_sphase,fs,dur,cos_rise_time,bw,fc,spl)
%sig_kolarik2010 Tone masked by a diotic inner-band and two antiphasic flanking-band noises
% Usage: stimulus = sig_kolarik2010(c_innerbw,c_flanking_phase,c_noise_mode,c_tone_level,c_itd,c_sphase,fs,dur,cos_rise_time,bw,fc,spl)
% Input parameters:
% c_innerbw: bandwidth of diotic noise band centered at target frequency (in Hz)
% c_flanking_phase: IPD of flanking-band noises
% c_noise_mode: 1 for a single-delayed noise, 2 for opposingly delayed noises (known as double-delayed noise)
% c_tone_level: tone sound pressure level (in dB)
% c_itd: interaural time difference(s) of the inner-band noise (in s)
% c_sphase: IPD of target tone
% fs: sampling rate (in Hz)
% dur: duration of stimulus (in s)
% cos_rise_time: duration of the cosine ramp at start and end of signal (in s)
% bw: overall bandwidth of stimulus (in Hz)
% fc: center frequency of inner band and target tone (in Hz)
% spl: spectral sound pressure level of noise (in dB)
% SIG_KOLARIK2010 creates a tone masked by a diotic inner-band
% and two antiphasic flanking-band noises.
% See also: eurich2022 exp_eurich2022
% References:
% A. J. Kolarik and J. F. Culling. Measurement of the binaural auditory
% filter using a detection task. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of
% America, 127(5):3009--3017, 05 2010. [1]arXiv | [2]http ]
% B. Eurich, J. Encke, S. D. Ewert, and M. Dietz. Lower interaural
% coherence in off-signal bands impairs binaural detection. The Journal
% of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6):3927--3936, 06 2022.
% [3].pdf ]
% References
% 1.\_1\_online.pdf
% 2.
% 3.
% Url:
% #Author: Bernhard Eurich (2022): original implementation
% #Author: Piotr Majdak (2023): Documentation updates
% This file is licensed unter the GNU General Public License (GPL) either
% version 3 of the license, or any later version as published by the Free Software
% Foundation. Details of the GPLv3 can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and
% at <>.
% You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GPLv3.
% This file is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty
% of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
spar.innerbw = c_innerbw;
spar.itd = c_itd;
spar.noise_mode = c_noise_mode;
spar.fs = fs;
spar.dur = dur;
spar.cos_rise_time = cos_rise_time; = bw;
spar.spl = spl;
spar.fc = fc;
spar.sphase = c_sphase;
spar.tone_level = c_tone_level;
spar.innerbw = c_innerbw;
spar.flanking_phase = c_flanking_phase;
spar.nlcut = 0; % lower freq limit of masker
spar.nhcut = 2500; % upper
spar.bandshift = [0.5]; % downshifted, centered, upshifted
spar.innernotch_db = [0];
% this function generates the stimulus for the experiment from
% Kolarik & Culling 2010 (as simulated in Fig. 5 in Eurich et al. 2022)
% tone
tone_mono = gen_tone(spar.fc,spar.dur, spar.fs,0);
tone = [tone_mono spar.sphase*tone_mono];
tone_spl = set_dbspl(tone,spar.tone_level);
len = spar.dur * spar.fs;
[window] = cosine_fade_window([1:spar.dur*spar.fs]', spar.cos_rise_time, spar.fs);
spar.nlcut = spar.fc - spar.innerbw*spar.bandshift; %floor(; % noise
spar.nhcut = spar.fc + spar.innerbw*(1-spar.bandshift);
% freq spacing
fftpts = spar.fs; % length 1ms for now, truncated later
spacing = spar.fs/fftpts; % 1 Hz spacing
% nyquist freq bin, depending on even or odd number of samples
nyBin = floor(fftpts/2) + 1;
% vector of freq per bin up to Nyquist freq
freqVec = [0:nyBin-1]' * spacing;
% lowest and highest bins
% lower flanking noise
lbin1 = 1; %
hbin1 = min( round(spar.nlcut/spacing), nyBin );
% higher flanking noise
% correction = spar.innerbw==0; % so that in case of no inner band we don't double the middle bin
lbin2 = max( round((spar.nhcut)/spacing) +1, 2); % + 1 so that the edge bin isn't contained twice
hbin2 = min( round(, nyBin );
% inner noise
lbin3 = max( round((spar.nlcut)/spacing) + 1, 2);
hbin3 = min( round(spar.nhcut/spacing), nyBin );
% create Gaussian white noises
a1 = zeros(fftpts,1);
b1 = a1;
a2 = zeros(fftpts,1);
b2 = a2;
a3 = a2;
b3 = b2;
a4 = a2;
b4 = b2;
% noises for each real and imag part: lower/upper flank, twice SDN
% real parts
a1(lbin1:hbin1) = randn(hbin1-lbin1+1,1);
a2(lbin2:hbin2) = randn(hbin2-lbin2+1,1);
if hbin3 - lbin3 >0 % only if bins are different, noise is generated here --> scale bins if notch
a3(lbin3:hbin3) = randn(hbin3-lbin3+1,1) * 10^(-spar.innernotch_db/10);
% Nu
a4(lbin1:hbin1) = randn(hbin1-lbin1+1,1);
a5(lbin2:hbin2) = randn(hbin2-lbin2+1,1);
% imag parts
b1(lbin1:hbin1) = randn(hbin1-lbin1+1,1);
b2(lbin2:hbin2) = randn(hbin2-lbin2+1,1);
if hbin3 - lbin3 >0
b3(lbin3:hbin3) = randn(hbin3-lbin3+1,1) * 10^(-spar.innernotch_db/10);
% Nu
b4(lbin1:hbin1) = randn(hbin1-lbin1+1,1);
b5(lbin2:hbin2) = randn(hbin2-lbin2+1,1);
% complex noise spectra
fspec1 = a1+ 1i*b1;
fspec2 = a2+ 1i*b2;
fspec3 = a3+ 1i*b3;
fspec4 = a4+ 1i*b4;
fspec5 = a5+ 1i*b5;
fspec1_shift = fspec1;
fspec2_shift = fspec2;
fspec3_shift = fspec3;
% phase shifts flanking bands
if (hbin1-lbin1 >= 1) && (hbin2-lbin2 >= 1)
if isequal(spar.flanking_phase,pi) % pi0pi condition
fspec1_shift(lbin1:hbin1) = fspec1(lbin1:hbin1) .* exp(1i*spar.flanking_phase);
fspec2_shift(lbin2:hbin2) = fspec2(lbin2:hbin2) .* exp(1i*spar.flanking_phase);%
elseif isequal(spar.flanking_phase,99) % u0u condition: independent noise
fspec1_shift(lbin1:hbin1) = fspec4(lbin1:hbin1);
fspec2_shift(lbin2:hbin2) = fspec5(lbin2:hbin2);
elseif isequal(spar.flanking_phase,pi/2) % pi0pi condition
fspec1_shift(lbin1:hbin1) = fspec1(lbin1:hbin1) .* exp(1i*spar.flanking_phase);
fspec2_shift(lbin2:hbin2) = fspec2(lbin2:hbin2) .* exp(1i*0);%
% phase shifts inner band: if flanking phase = pi, inner band phase = 0 and vice versa
inner_phase = 0; % for KolCul10 inner phase always 0
fspec3_shift(lbin3:hbin3) = fspec3(lbin3:hbin3) .* exp(1i*inner_phase);
fspec_l = fspec1 + fspec2 + fspec3;
fspec_r = fspec1_shift + fspec2_shift + fspec3_shift;
noise_flanked_l = (2*real(fftpts*ifft(fspec_l)))/std(2*real(fftpts*ifft(fspec_l)));
noise_flanked_r = (2*real(fftpts*ifft(fspec_r)))/std(2*real(fftpts*ifft(fspec_r)));
noise_flanked = [noise_flanked_l noise_flanked_r];
noise_flanked_spl = set_dbspl(noise_flanked,spar.spl + 10*log10(;
% add tone to noise
stimulus = tone_spl + noise_flanked_spl(1:len,:);
function [signal_out] = set_dbspl(signal_in,dbspl_val)
%set_dbspl set SPL for each signal channel
% SIGNAL_IN preassure waveform, multi channels in colums
% DBSPL_VAL level in dB SPL (ref value is 20e-6 pa), per chanel
% see also get_dbspl, add_dbgain, audio_signal_info
p0 = 20e-6; %ref value
val = sqrt(mean(signal_in.^2));
factor = (p0 * 10.^(dbspl_val / 20)) ./ val;
signal_out = signal_in .* factor;
function [window] = cosine_fade_window(signal, rise_time, fs)
%cosine_fade_window returns a weighting vector for windowing (fade-in + fade-out) a signal
%WINDOW = cosine_fade_window(SIGNAL, RISE_TIME, FS)
% SIGNAL preassure waveform, multi channels in colums
% RISE_TIME time in seconds
% FS sampling frequency
% WINDOW vector with the length of SIGNAL
% ................
% . .
% . .
% . .
% |rise_time| |rise_time|
% | signal_time |
% fs = 48e3;
% sig = generate_tone(100,.5,fs);
% window = cosine_fade_window(sig,.1,fs);
% ramped_sig = sig .* window;
n_ramp = round(rise_time * fs);
n_signal = size(signal,1);
window = ones(1, n_signal);
flank = 0.5 * (1 + cos(pi / n_ramp * (-n_ramp:-1)));
window(1:n_ramp) = flank;
window(end-n_ramp+1:end) = fliplr(flank);
window = window';
function [sine,time] = gen_tone(frequency, duration, fs, start_phase)
% gen_tone returns a cosine wave
% FREQUENCY frequency in Hz
% DURATION duration in seconds
% FS sampling frequenc
% START_PHASE default is 0
% SINE sine wave
% TIME time vector for the cosine-wave
% see also getAMS gen_sam audio_signal_info
if nargin < 4
start_phase = 0;
nsamp = round(duration * fs);
time = get_time(nsamp, fs);
sine = cos(2 * pi * frequency * time + start_phase);
function [time] = get_time(signal, fs)
%get_time returns time-vector for a given
% signal or number of samples
%[TIME] = get_time(SIGNAL, FS)
% SIGNAL signal or number of samples
% FS sampling frequency
% TIME time vector (start with 0)
% see also nsamples
dt = 1. / fs;
if length(signal) > 1
nsamp = length(signal);
nsamp = signal;
max_time = nsamp * dt;
time = 0:dt:(max_time - dt);
time = time';