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function output = data_takanen2013(varargin)
%DATA_TAKANEN2013 Data applied in the model by Takanen, Santala and Pulkki
% Usage: output = data_takanen2013(flag)
% DATA_TAKANEN2013(flag) returns the data specified by the flag. The
% optional datasets are either matrices or structs containing data
% required in the different processing steps of the binaural auditory
% model by Takanen, Santala and Pulkki (2013).
% The following flags can be specified:
% 'cochleardelays' Frequency-dependent delays of the cochlea
% model by Verhulst et al (2012) are
% compensated for in the TAKANEN2013_PERIPHERY
% function. The delays were determined by
% analyzing the the cross-correlation-
% functions between different frequency bands.
% 'msolimits' In TAKANEN2013_MSO the
% ipsilateral input signals are divided by
% scaling values and thereafter limited between
% 0 and 1. The scaling values were obtained by
% computing the average level of the
% TAKANEN2013_PERIPHERY output for a pink noise
% signal reproduced at 30 dB SPL
% 'wbmsomultp' In TAKANEN2013_WBMSO the energy output is multiplied
% so that the energy of the wide-band MSO model is
% in a similar level as compared to the energies
% of the narrowband MSO and LSO models. The
% values with which the energy output is
% multiplied were obtained through an iterative
% process.
% 'lookuptable' In TAKANEN2013_DIRECTIONMAPPING, the
% outputs of the different MSO and LSO models
% are mapped into directions ranging from -20
% to 90. The mapping is implemented following
% the idea of self-calibration, where the outputs
% of the models are compared separately to sets
% of reference values computed with HRTF-processed
% samples. The sample employed for the MSO and the
% LSO models was a 80-ms-long pink noise burst,
% whereas the sample for the wide-band MSO model
% was a impulse response of a first-order
% Butterworth lowpass filter with a cut-off
% frequency of 500 Hz
% the energies of the short-term and of the
% long-term directional cues are scaled to a
% similar level with the help of a set of pre-
% computed values, the values which were
% obtained by the computing the average levels
% of the two energies for a pink noise burst
% convolved with binaural room impulse response
% of a concert hall
% 'periphenergyaverages' In TAKANEN2013_FORMBINAURALACTIVITYMAP
% the levels of the what cues are
% scaled in order to visualize the evoked
% activations on the binaural activity map.
% The values were obtained by computing the
% average levels of the what cue for a pink
% noise burst reproduced at 60 dB SPL.
% 'noplot' Don't plot, only return data. This is the default.
% 'plot' Plot the data.
% If no flag is given, the function will print the list of valid flags.
% Examples:
% ---------
% To load and plot the pre-computed frequency-dependent cochlear model delays use:
% data_takanen2013('cochleardelays','plot');
% To load and plot the pre-computed ipsilateral limits for MSO model use:
% data_takanen2013('msolimits','plot');
% To load and plot the pre-computed wide-band MSO energy multiplier use:
% data_takanen2013('wbmsomultp','plot');
% To load and plot the reference values for the MSO and LSO models at different
% frequencies for directions use:
% data_takanen2013('lookuptable','plot');
% References:
% M. Takanen, O. Santala, and V. Pulkki. Visualization of functional
% count-comparison-based binaural auditory model output. Hearing
% research, 309:147-163, 2014. PMID: 24513586.
% M. Takanen, O. Santala, and V. Pulkki. Perceptually encoded signals and
% their assessment. In J. Blauert, editor, The technology of binaural
% listening. Springer, 2013.
% S. Verhulst, T. Dau, and C. A. Shera. Nonlinear time-domain cochlear
% model for transient stimulation and human otoacoustic emission. J.
% Acoust. Soc. Am., 132(6):3842 - 3848, 2012.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Piotr Majdak and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 0.9.9
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR: Marko Takanen, Olli Santala, Ville Pulkki
% COPYRIGHT (C) 2013 Aalto University
% School of Electrical Engineering
% Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics
% Espoo, Finland
definput.flags.plot = {'noplot','plot'};
[flags,keyvals] = ltfatarghelper({},definput,varargin);
if flags.do_missingflag
flagnames=[sprintf('%s, ',definput.flags.type{2:end-2}),...
sprintf('%s or %s',definput.flags.type{end-1},definput.flags.type{end})];
error('%s: You must specify one of the following flags: %s.',upper(mfilename),flagnames);
%% Data employed in the model of periphery
if flags.do_cochleardelays
%frequency-dependent delays of the cochlea model by Verhulst et al. (2012)
%are compensated for in the *takanen2013_periphery.m*-function. The delays
%were determined by analyzing the the cross-correlation-functions between
%different frequency bands.
output = x.velocitydelays;
if flags.do_plot
figure;plot(output);xlabel('Frequency band');ylabel('Delay in samples');
title('Frequency-dependent delays of the cochlea model');
%% Data employed in the MSO model
if flags.do_msolimits
%in *takanen2013_mso.m*-function the ipsilateral input signals are
%divided by scaling values and thereafter limited between 0 and 1. The
%scaling values were obtained by computing the average level of the
%*periphOutput.left* for a pink noise signal reproduced at 30 dB SPL
output = x.limits;
if flags.do_plot
figure;plot(output);xlabel('Frequency band');ylabel('Limit value');
title('Frequency-dependent limits for the ipsilateral input');
%% Data employed in the Wide-band MSO model
if flags.do_wbmsomultp
%in the *takanen2013widebandmso.m*-function the energy output is multiplied
%so that the energy of the wide-band MSO model is in a similar level as
%compared to the energies of the narrowband MSO and LSO models. The values
%with which the energy output is multiplied were obtained through an
%iterative process.
output = x.multp;
if flags.do_plot
figure;plot(output);xlabel('Frequency band');ylabel('Multiplying coefficient');
title('Frequency-dependent multiplier for the wb-MSO energy');
%% Data employed in the direction mapping
if flags.do_lookuptable
%in the *takanen2013_directionmapping.m*, the outputs of the different MSO
%and LSO models are mapped into directions ranging from -20 to 90. The
%mapping is implemented following the idea of self-calibration, where
%theoutputs of the models are compared separately to sets of reference
%values computed with HRTF-processed samples. The sample employed for
%the narrowband MSO and the LSO models was a 80-ms-long pink noise burst,
%whereas the sample for the wide-band MSO model was a impulse response
%of a first-order Butterworth lowpass filter with a cut-off frequency
%of 500 Hz
output = x.referencevalues;
if flags.do_plot
output.angles,output.wbmso(:,8),'k');xlabel('Azimuth angle [degrees]');
ylabel('Output values');legend('MSO','LSO','Wide-band MSO','location','NorthWest');
title('Rerefence values for the different models');
%% Data employed in the onset contrast enhancement
if flags.do_onsetmultp
%in the *takanen2013_onsetenhancement.m*-function, the energies of the
%short-term and of the long-term directional cues are scaled to a similar
%level with the help of a set of pre-computed values, the values which were
%obtained by the computing the average levels of the two energies for a
%pink noise burst convolved with binaural room impulse response of a
%concert hall.
output = x.coeff;
if flags.do_plot
figure;plot(output);xlabel('Frequency band');ylabel('Multiplying coefficient');
title('Frequency-dependent multiplier for short-term cue energy');
%% Data employed both in onset contrast enhancement and in the forming of the binaural activity map
if flags.do_periphenergyaverages
%in the *takanen2013_formbinauralactivitymap.m*-function the levels of the
%what cues are scaled in order to visualize the evoked activations on the
%binaural activity map. The values were obtained by computing the average
%levels of the what cue for a pink noise burst reproduced at 60 dB SPL.
output = x.averageEnerg;
if flags.do_plot
figure;plot(output);xlabel('Frequency band');ylabel('Average output');
title('Average outputs of the periphery model for a pink noise at 60 dB SPL');