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function out = plot_baumgartner2014( p,tang,rang,varargin)
%plot_baumgartner2014 plot probabilistic prediction matrixes
% Usage: plot_baumgartner2014(p,tang,rang);
% plot_baumgartner2014(p,tang,rang,exptang,exprang);
% Input parameters:
% p : prediction matrix containing probability mass vectors (PMVs)
% for the polar response angle as a function of the polar
% target angle (1st dim: response angle, 2nd dim: target
% angle)
% rang : polar response angles
% tang : polar target angles
% PLOT_BAUMGARTNER2014(p,rang,tang) plots predicted PMVs referring to
% the polar response angles rang as a function of the target angles
% tang with gray color coded probabilities similar to Baumgartner et al.
% (2002). Actual response patterns from psychoacoustic experiments can be
% overlayed optionally.
% h=PLOT_BAUMGARTNER2014(...) additionally returns the figure handle.
% PLOT_BAUMGARTNER2014 accepts the following optional parameters:
% 'exptang',exptang Overlay actual response patterns with the
% experimetal polar target angles exptang.
% 'exprang',exprang Experimetal polar response angles exprang*
% corresponding to exptang.
% 'MarkerSize',ms Set the marker (circles) size of the overlaying
% response pattern to ms. Default value is 6.
% 'cmax',cmax Set the maximum probability of the color code to
% cmax. Default value is 0.1.
% PLOT_BAUMGARTNER2014 takes the following flags at the end of the line
% of input arguments:
% 'colorbar' Display the colorbar. This is the default.
% 'nocolorbar' Do not display the colorbar.
% See also: baumgartner2014
% References:
% R. Baumgartner, P. Majdak, and B. Laback. Modeling sound-source
% localization in sagittal planes for human listeners. The Journal of the
% Acoustical Society of America, 136(2):791-802, 2014.
% Url:
% Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Piotr Majdak and the AMT team.
% This file is part of Auditory Modeling Toolbox (AMT) version 0.9.9
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
% AUTHOR : Robert Baumgartner
definput.keyvals.exptang = [];
definput.keyvals.exprang = [];
definput.keyvals.MarkerSize = 6;
definput.keyvals.cmax = 0.1;
definput.flags.colorbar = {'colorbar','nocolorbar'};
%% Error handling
if size(p,1) ~= length(rang) || size(p,2) ~= length(tang)
fprintf('\n Error: Dimension mismatch between p and rang/tang! \n Check the order of input arguments to fit plot_baumgartner2014(p,tang,rang). \n')
%% Plot prediction matrix
h = pcolor(tang,rang,p);
if not(isoctave) % does not work with x11 (mac osx)
axis equal
colormap bone
shading flat
caxis([0 kv.cmax])
if flags.do_colorbar
cbar = colorbar('eastoutside');
set(get(cbar,'YLabel'),'String','Probability / 5\circ')
xlabel('Target Angle (deg)')
ylabel('Response Angle (deg)')
%% Plot response pattern on top
if length(kv.exptang)==length(kv.exprang)
hold on
h1 = plot( kv.exptang, kv.exprang, 'wo'); % shadow
h2 = plot( kv.exptang, kv.exprang, 'ko');
hold off
if nargout == 1
out = h;