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sig_hartmann1996 - - Stimulus from Hartmann and Wittenberg (1996)


sig = sig_hartmann1996(nprime,f0,Obj,azi,dur,condition)

Complex tone (vowel /a/) with 38 harmonics from Hartmann and Wittenberg (1996) with interaural cue alterations up to a certain harmonic nprime.

Input parameters

'',nprime Highest altered harmonic. Default is 0.
'',f0 Fundamental frequency. Default is 125 Hz.
'',Obj HRTFs as SOFA object.
'',azi Azimuth. Default is -37 deg.
'',dur Duration in seconds. Default is 0.1 s.
'',fs Sampling rate in Hz. Default is 48 kHz.

The condition flag may be one of:

'ILD' ILDs up to nprime set to zero. This is the default.
'ISLD' ISLDs (interaural spectral level differeces) maintained while flattening right-ear HRTF up to nprime.

Output parameters

'',sig signal wave form


W. M. Hartmann and A. Wittenberg. On the externalization of sound images. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 99(6):3678-88, June 1996. [ http ]