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[twoears_benefit, weighted_bmld, weighted_better_ear] = lavandier2022(target_in,int_in,fs)
target_in | target |
int_in | interferer |
fs | sampling frequency [Hz] |
twoears_benefit | effective target to interferer ratio |
weighted_bmld | weighted binaural masking level difference |
weighted_better_ear | |
weighted better ear advantage |
LAVANDIER2022 computes the binaural 'effective' target-to-interferer ratio target_in and int_in are signals produced at the ears: stereo files (2-column matrices) of the same sampling frequency fs
M. Lavandier. A series of speech intelligibility models in the auditory modeling toolbox. actaunited, 2022.
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S. Jelfs, J. Culling, and M. Lavandier. Revision and validation of a binaural model for speech intelligibility in noise. Hearing Research, 2011.