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[predicted_SNR, BE, BU] = prudhomme2020(target,targSpec,masker,meanf0,fs, jitter,fc_target)
target | target |
targSpec | target spectrum |
masker | masker |
meanf0 | mean fundamental frequency [Hz] |
fs | sampling frequency [Hz] |
jitter | jitter |
fc_target | center frequency of the target [Hz] |
wSNR | weighted Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
PRUDHOMME2020 monaural model computing the effective SNR taking into account harmonic cancellation, takes the target and interferer signals (sampled at fS) as input, along with masker F0 and jitter info
M. Lavandier. A series of speech intelligibility models in the auditory modeling toolbox. actaunited, 2022.
P. et al. A harmonic-cancellation-based model to predict speech intelligibility against a harmonic masker. jasa, 148(5):3246--3254, 2020. [ http ]