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sig_marquardt2009 - Tone masked by delayed inner-band noise(s) with constant ITD and two antiphasic flanking-band noises


stimulus = sig_marquardt2009(c_innerbw,c_flanking_phase,c_noise_mode,c_tone_level,c_itd,c_sphase,fs,dur,cos_rise_time,bw,fc,spl)

Input parameters:

c_innerbw bandwidth of diotic inner-band noise centered at target tone frequency (in Hz)
c_flanking_phase IPD of flanking-band noises
c_noise_mode 1 for a single-delayed noise, 2 for opposingly delayed noises (known as double-delayed noise)
c_tone_level tone sound pressure level (in dB)
c_itd interaural time difference(s) of the inner-band noise (in s)
c_sphase IPD of the target tone
fs sampling rate (in Hz)
dur duration of stimulus (in s)
cos_rise_time duration of the cosine ramp at start and end of signal (in s)
bw overall bandwidth of stimulus (in Hz)
fc center frequency of inner band and the target tone (in Hz)
spl spectral sound pressure level of noise (in dB)


sig_marquardt2009 creates a tone masked by either a single delayed narrow-band noise or two opposingly delayed noises (known as double-delayed noise) with a constand ITD. That narrowband noise is additionally superimposed to two antiphasic flanking-band noises.


T. Marquardt and D. McAlpine. Masking with interaurally “double-delayed” stimuli: The range of internal delays in the human brain. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(6):EL177--EL182, 11 2009. [ DOI | arXiv | http ]

B. Eurich, J. Encke, S. D. Ewert, and M. Dietz. Lower interaural coherence in off-signal bands impairs binaural detection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6):3927--3936, 06 2022. [ DOI | .pdf ]