stimulus = sig_marquardt2009(innerbw,f_phase,n_type,s_spl,n_itd,s_sign,fs,dur,rise_time,bw,fc,n_sspl)
innerbw | Bandwidth (in Hz) of diotic noise band centered at target frequency. |
f_phase | IPD (in radiants) of flanking-band noises, e.g., \(\pi /2\) or \(-\pi/2\). |
n_type | Type of the noise:
s_spl | SPL (in dB) of the tone. |
n_itd | ITD (in s) of the inner-band noise component(s). |
s_sign | Polarity of the amplitude of the tone's right channel:
fs | Sampling rate (in Hz). |
dur | Duration of stimulus (in s). |
rise_time | Duration of the cosine ramp at start and end of signal (in s). Use rise_time of 0 to disable the windowing. |
bw | Overall bandwidth (in Hz) of stimulus. |
fc | Center frequency (in Hz) of the target tone and the inner band. |
n_sspl | Spectral SPL (in dB) of the noise. |
sig_marquardt2009 creates a tone masked by either a single delayed narrow-band noise or two opposingly delayed noises (known as double-delayed noise) with a constand ITD. That narrowband noise is additionally superimposed to two antiphasic flanking-band noises. It is the stimulus from the experiment from Marquardt & McAlpine (2009) simulated in Fig. 4 of Eurich et al. (2022).
T. Marquardt and D. McAlpine. Masking with interaurally “double-delayed” stimuli: The range of internal delays in the human brain. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(6):EL177--EL182, 11 2009. [ DOI ]
B. Eurich, J. Encke, S. D. Ewert, and M. Dietz. Lower interaural coherence in off-signal bands impairs binaural detection. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(6):3927--3936, 06 2022. [ DOI ]